Category: Sentinel-EBS News

  • Spotswood in running for infrastructure grant

    By MICHAEL NUNES Staff Writer Spotswood is in the running for a grant that would fund major infrastructure improvements. If selected, the borough would receive an estimated $7 million grant, offered through USDA Rural Development, which would give the town the ability to fund road improvements. “We have some streets that are flat, have no…

  • Jamesburg scout restores trails behind Monroe Rec Center

    Quinton Schimmel of Jamesburg has renovated the trails behind the Monroe Township Recreation Center as part of his Eagle Scout project. JAMESBURG — Quinton Schimmel completed his Boy Scout Eagle Project by restoring the trails located behind the Monroe Township Recreation Center. Quinton’s project involved creating a GPS map of the trails; clearing garbage, fallen…

  • Festival of Lights

    Clockwise from top: Rabbi Dovid Gross prepares to light the menorah during the community-wide Chanukah Extravaganza sponsored by Torah Links of Middlesex County in East Brunswick on Dec. 8. Sydney Webber, 9, of East Brunswick, helps magician Elliot Zimet levitate a table. Youngsters laugh during the show. Ofek Balinco, 9, of East Brunswick, helps with…

  • Family hopes ailing 2-year-old can come home for Christmas

    By JACQUELINE DURETT Correspondent Michael Rojewski holds his 2-year-old brother, Wyatt, who is suffering from neuroblastoma. PHOTO COURTESY OF JESSICA SIRNA SOUTH AMBOY — The community is rallying around Wyatt Rojewski, a 2-year-old who was diagnosed with neuroblastoma earlier this year. “He’s a little wild man. He doesn’t know he’s supposed to be sick,” said…

  • Accutest settles accusations of improper testing

    An environmental testing company headquartered in Dayton will pay $3 million to resolve allegations that it failed to follow proper Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) methodology during some of its tests. Accutest Corp., also known as Accutest Laboratories, is an environmental testing laboratory founded in 1956. It provides environmental analytical services to industrial, engineering/consulting and government…

  • Deer pose danger for N.J. drivers

    By KATHY CHANG Staff Writer A herd of deer stand in a small field on Robertsville Road in Marlboro. Deer management is crucial in a populated state such as New Jersey, experts say. STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER ERIC SUCAR Deer management is a crucial process in controlling the population of the wild mammal in New Jersey, a…

  • East Brunswick board opposes charter expansion

    By MICHAEL NUNES Staff Writer The East Brunswick Board of Education urged the New Jersey Commissioner of Education to reject the proposed expansion of Hatikvah International Academy Charter School. During the Dec. 3 board meeting, members voted unanimously to pass a resolution stating their opposition to Hatikvah increasing its enrollment. “One of the issues we…

  • ‘Go Green’ during holidays by reducing gift wrap, recycling packing peanuts

    By JENNIFER AMATO Staff Writer Reuse holiday items such as a festive holiday napkin used as wrapping, newsprint-wrapped gifts, burlap-wrapped gifts and gift tags cut from Christmas cards. PHOTO COURTESY OF NANCY KRAUSS Residents are encouraged to “Go Green For the Holidays.” Trash sent to the landfill increases an average of 25 percent because of…

  • Take care in disposal of Christmas trees, tinsel, gift wrap

    While residents deck the halls, giftwrap goodies and prepare for upcoming festivities, the Middlesex County Improvement Authority’s (MCIA) Recycling Division is issuing an advisory about the proper disposal of holiday-related items. Products like greeting cards, envelopes and gift wrap are generally classified under mixed paper, with one major caveat, said MCIA Recycling Manager Ed Windas.…