Category: Sentinel-EBS News
Freeholder outlines gains and goals in a year of progress and promise
Middlesex County Freeholder Director Ronald G. Rios said county government has experienced great progress in 2015 in many different areas. “This has been a year of great progress and continued promise,” Rios said during the 2015 State of the County Address last month. “Middlesex County has introduced even greater efficiencies in the workplace, completed numerous…
New law stiffens penalties for swatting perpetrators
A bill that designates swatting as a felony and establishes more stringent punishments for the crime has been signed into law by Gov. Chris Christie. “It is time to send a message that this is not going to be treated lightly,” said Assemblyman Paul Moriarty (D-Camden, Gloucester), who sponsored the bill and was himself the…
Comics fascinate fans, not just ‘nerds’
By ANDREW MARTINS Staff Writer Phillip Vazquez, 24, explains why the new comic series “I Hate Fairyland” is one of his favorite new additions at The Record Store in Howell. STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER ERIC SUCAR Standing among the tens of thousands of comic books that line the main aisle of The Record Store in Howell, Phillip…
UK chief inspector notes how policing changed after 2001
SOUTH BRUNSWICK — The difference between American and European policing was discussed by a special visitor from England last week. Chief Inspector Dave Annets of the United Kingdom visited South Brunswick High School on Nov. 18 to detail the challenges of policing in England over the past 30 years, from riots to terrorism. He highlighted…
East Brunswick to review pupil transportation
By MICHAEL NUNES Staff Writer The East Brunswick Public School district is planning to review its transportation system. According to Board of Education Secretary and Board Administrator Bernardo Giuliana, the district is looking into ways to improve on the system. “What we’re doing is we’re taking a look to see what kinds of improvements we…
Old Bridge chiropractor wins weightlifting competition
Chiropractor Edward C. Camacho, an associate at the Plaza Chiropractic Center in Old Bridge, won first place in the 2015 Moorestown Fall Open Weightlifting Championships, held at the Moorestown Weightlifting Club on Nov. 7. PHOTO COURTESY OF WILL CHELAK OLD BRIDGE — A local chiropractor has proven what a little strength can do. Edward C.…
Joys of adoption are shared by many at ceremony
By KATHY CHANG Staff Writer Ten-month-old Gianna Gonzalez of Perth Amboy, left, wears a “Team Jacob” shirt in support of her newly adopted brother, Jacob, 18 months old, during the annual Adoption Day ceremony. For Sylvia Soto and Osilis Gonzales, of Perth Amboy, their journey to adoption began with the loss of a son. “After…
Law bans sale of powdered alcohol
A measure (A-3580/S-2846) state Assemblyman Ron Dancer sponsored that bans the sale of powdered alcohol in New Jersey has been signed into law by Gov. Chris Christie. Powdered alcohol, commonly known as Palcohol, was approved for sale by the federal Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau in March, according to a press release. “This…
Edison again brings light to the township at tower rededication
Above: A crowd lingers around the newly illuminated Edison Memorial Tower after the rededication ceremony last month. Right: Kathleen Carlucci, director of the Thomas Edison Center at Menlo Park, holds the knife switch used to light the restored bulb that sits atop the tower. Shown is an original bulb from 1929. PHOTOS BY SCOTT FRIEDMAN…