Category: Tri-Town News

  • An Oresteia at Rutgers

    TOP PICK Lindsay Andreanszky In Rutgers Theater Company’s presentation of An Oresteia, “bloodline” takes on a whole new meaning in this trilogy of revenge and justice-seeking at the Victoria J. Mastrobuono Theater. The House of Atreus, headed by Agamemnon, king of Argos and a Greek army commander, has a long and sordid ancestry of murderers…

  • Photo

    STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER ERIC SUCAR Howell High School soccer keeper Rachel Kern watches the action in front of her during the Rebels’ 4-3 victory over Freehold Township High School on Oct. 15. The match was played at Howell.

  • Green Team welcomes residents to join effort

    By JENNIFER ORTIZ Staff Writer HOWELL — Members of the Howell Green Team want to invite residents to join them in an effort to create a more sustainable community. The panel meets in the municipal building on the last Tuesday of every month at 7 p.m. Deputy Mayor Robert Nicastro said, “Howell has a long,…

  • Plan for affordable housing to be considered in Howell

    By JENNIFER ORTIZ Staff Writer A developer who is proposing to build 71 affordable housing rental units is expected to detail those plans at the 7 p.m. Oct. 29 meeting of the Howell Planning Board. A notice issued by the municipality states that Howell Family Apartments LLC, a wholly owned affiliate of the Walters Group,…

  • Officials expect savings

    A stable financial outlook and a reaffirmation of the highest credit rating possible is helping Ocean County save almost $5 million, according to a press release. “With our bond rating reaffirmed at AAA and because of conservative financial planning by this Board of Freeholders, we will save about $5 million on the recent refunding of…

  • Women mind the gap: gender pay disparity persists

    By JESSICA D’AMICO Staff Writer Despite societal images of female presidential candidates and feminine corporate CEOs, the practice persists of women workers being paid less than their male counterparts for the same work. “When women graduate from college, there immediately is a pay gap between men and women,” said Carol Cohen, president of the American…

  • 8 residents seeking 3 seats on Jackson school board

    Election 2015 By ANDREW MARTINS Staff Writer Eight residents are seeking three threeyear terms on the seven-member Jackson School District Board of Education in the Nov. 3 election. The terms of board members Marvin Krakower, Adam Silvan and Theresa Schiazza will end in December. Schiazza is not seeking re-election. Krakower and Silvan are seeking reelection…

  • America’s pride

    PHOTOS BY MATT DENTON The Jackson Police Department Honor Guard prepares to present the colors during the fourth annual Wounded Warrior Parade in Jackson on Oct. 10. The event honors men and women who have served in the United States armed forces. At right, an attendee shows his colors. Following the parade, the veterans were…

  • Replacement bridge in Howell opens

    HOWELL – The Monmouth County Board of Freeholders has opened a newly constructed replacement bridge over the Manasquan River on Havens Bridge Road, marking the complete replacement of the previous bridge. “Reopening this bridge is very good news for local residents and businesses,” said Freeholder Thomas A. Arnone, liaison to the County’s Department of Public…