Category: Tri-Town Opinion

  • Sons return home bearing gifts – loads of laundry

    ARE WE THERE YET Lori Clinch Ah, it’s Christmas time. The smell is in the air, the music fills our ears and the lights dazzle us with gleaming beauty. Bounties fill the carts, love fills our hearts and if you do it right, quickly from the supercenter, you shall soon depart. Our little Charlie, who…

  • Students open up hearts with donations of books

    By ANDREW MARTINS Staff Writer Pupils at the Elms Elementary School, Jackson, pack up more than 1,000 books that were collected and will be shipped to students who attend the Pine Point Elementary School in Ponsford, Minn. PHOTOS BY STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER ERIC SUCAR What began as a book club at a Jackson elementary school turned…

  • Students’ film earns honor

    By P.J. CANDIDO Staff Writer Students who attend the Freehold Regional High School District’s Fine and Performing Arts Academy have won $5,000 for their film “Daytime Summit.” The students were recently honored at Kings Theater, Brooklyn, N.Y. The Fine and Performing Arts Academy is based at Howell High School and enrolls students from the district’s…

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    STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER ERIC SUCAR Hanukkah, the Festival of Lights, is being celebrated by Jews around the world from Dec. 6-13.


    Shaye Lynn DiPasquale of Howell has been named to the honors program for the 2015-16 academic year at Elizabethtown College, Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania.

  • Google rep visits high school

    Freehold High School, Freehold Borough, is the only school in the world that has had three grand prize winners of the Google Code-in Contest, according to a press release from the Freehold Regional High School District. Stephanie Taylor, a representative from Google, informed students in the school’s Computer Science Academy of this honor when she…

  • Sons want their parents to show them ‘love’

    ARE WE THERE YET Lori Clinch Christmas shopping. It simply isn’t what it used to be. Back in the day I could “wow” our four young sons with anything from Nike socks to the Batmobile and everything in between. They were thrilled at the pile of presents on Christmas morning. They would wake up at…

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  • New law will broaden safety options

    We at 180 Turning Lives Around Inc. applaud the recent enactment of the Sexual Assault Survivor Protection Act of 2015, which broadens the safety options for a greater number of survivors in New Jersey. Beginning in May 2016, survivors of this most heinous crime, which includes acts or attempted acts of sexual assault, sexual contact,…