• Immigration is a privilege, not a right, says reader

    Evelyn Zucker Guest Column Evelyn ZuckerGuest Column I just feel that I have to put some input into the latest decision on immigration. Can you please think back to the way this country started and how it has progressed? I think the politicians have lost sight of this and are caught up in a situation…

  • Business Briefs

    Young professionals from all over New Jersey will gather June 27, 6-8:30 p.m., at Jumping Brook Country Club, 210 Jumping Brook Road, Neptune, for an evening of speed-networking at the June meeting of Young Professionals, Forty and Under, sponsored by the Lakewood Chamber of Commerce. Attendees are encouraged to bring friends and an ample number…

  • Obituaries

    Dorothy Ann Kastner Groh Mrs. Groh, 71, of Matawan, died May 24, 2007, at Frances Georgeson Hospice House, Naples, Fla. Born in Jersey City, she had resided in Towaco before relocating to Matawan in 1968. Mrs. Groh was a communicant of St. Joseph’s Roman Catholic Church, Keyport. She is survived by her husband, Herman J.…

  • ‘Knocked Up’

    Judd Apatow’s real topic this time around s family life – its joys, its frustrations, and he way it forces grown-ups to act their age, even in our youth-addled culture. By: Elise Nakhnikian    As most of America probably knows by now, Knocked Up writer-director Judd Apatow is the living embodiment of the revenge of the…

  • Getting His Kicks

    Andrew Shue’s ‘Gracie’ combines his two passions: family and soccer. By: Anthony Stoeckert    In the midst of a summer movie season filled with pirates, ogres and super heroes comes a story about a teenage girl determined to play soccer on a boys’ team while she and her family cope with the death of her brother.…

  • Police to step up Swan Street patrols

    Residents are complaining about speeders as well as the road being used as a shortcut between two highways. By: Linda Seida    LAMBERTVILLE — Drivers have been using Swan Street as a shortcut between two highways, and residents also have voiced concerns over speeders there, prompting police and city officials to take a look at possible…

  • The Old Ballgame

    Actors’ NET has ‘Damn Yankees.’ By: Stuart Duncan    Damn Yankees was the last big hit of the 1954-55 Broadway season and it followed a well-oiled success pattern. The show was based on a popular book (by Douglass Wallop), The Year The Yankees Lost The Pennant. And the producers hired the same creative team that had…

  • Café Graziella

    This is a perfect ‘let’s not cook tonight’ spot to eat, with its inviting Italian food offered at fair prices. By: Antoinette Buckley    Café Graziella in Hillsborough is a classic, neighborhood Italian restaurant. Owned and operated by the Lubrano family from Naples, Italy, the restaurant is reliable and offers few surprises as local, modern Italian…

  • Senior Menus-May 31, 2007

       All meals are served at noon at Hibernia Apartments in Lambertville.    The value of each meal is $4.60. Any amount donated over this is a tax-deductible contribution. All menus are subject to change and include milk and margarine.    The sodium-controlled menu is the same unless otherwise noted.    Thursday, May 31 — Chicken vegetable barley soup,…

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