Tag: Aldersgate United Methodist Church
Elks members support 150 families for spring holidays
PHOTO COURTESY OF KARAN HANNALLA Members of East Brunswick Elks Lodge 2370, consisting of Colleen Murphy, Jeannie Lebowsky, Andrea Evans and Mary Tarant, distributed food at the Aldersgate United Methodist Church’s Community Outreach Center on Ryders Lane in East Brunswick on March 28 for the Easter/Passover holiday. Produce worth $600, such as potatoes, carrots…
An egg-cellent time
PHOTOS COURTESY OF JoANN ARSI Aldersgate United Methodist Church in East Brunswick held an Easter egg hunt on April 3, complete with photos with the Easter Bunny, pony rides and a petting zoo.
Chelsea, BrightStar Care collect holiday gifts for Aldersgate seniors
The Chelsea at East Brunswick, in collaboration with BrightStar Care of Northern Middlesex County, presented 160 gift bags containing $10 Target gift cards and other items to Aldersgate United Methodist Church for distribution to their network of low-income seniors. “We had a tremendous response from local businesses who donated the gift cards,” Cynthia Rozenberg, executive…
Blood drive today in East Brunswick
Aldersgate United Methodist Church will hold a blood drive from 1-7 p.m. today, Dec. 2, at the church, 586 Ryders Lane, East Brunswick. Appointments suggested. Visit smarturl.it/NJBS_Drive using sponsor code 15758; or call 800-933-2566. Remember to eat, drink and bring your donor ID card or ID with name and photo.
Youngsters of Cub Scout Pack 132 collect 20 crates of food for Aldersgate center, Monmouth Council CARES
PHOTOS COURTESY OF DR. LAUREN NIETZKE ADAMO Cub Scout Pack 132 in East Brunswick held a food drive for the Aldersgate Community Outreach Center in East Brunswick, in response to the increased need in food due to COVID-19 and to fulfill the new Monmouth Council CARES program. Scouts from Kindergarten to fifth grade helped collect…
East Brunswick food drive to benefit Aldersgate, MCFOODS
East Brunswick is holding a community food drive from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. weekdays to help restock the food banks at Aldersgate United Methodist Church in East Brunswick and MCFOODS (Middlesex County Food Organization and Outreach Distribution Services). Put items into the box truck or gift cards into the dropbox at the Recreation &…
Aldersgate to hold yard, bake sales on Oct. 19
Aldersgate United Methodist Church will hold an indoor yard sale and bake sale from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Oct. 19 at the church, 568 Ryders Lane, East Brunswick. There will be a variety of household items, clothes, toys, gifts and crafts for sale, new and gently used. There will also be a pumpkin…
Aldersgate to hold Vacation Bible School
Alders gate United Methodist Church will hold “Shipwrecked: Rescued by Jesus” Vacation Bible School from 9-11:30 a.m. from July 29 to Aug. 2 at the church, 568 Ryders Lane, East Brunswick. This year will offer a class to parents/guardians and their little ones to attend together, from birth to 3 years old, as well as…