Tag: Alfieri

  • East Brunswick Planning Board denies Hidden Oaks Woods plan plan due to environmental concerns

    East Brunswick Planning Board denies Hidden Oaks Woods plan plan due to environmental concerns

    EAST BRUNSWICK–The East Brunswick Planning Board voted to deny Alfieri’s application for its proposed Hidden Oak Woods development plan. The plan proposed the construction of seven four-story buildings with 275 residential units, 54 of which were supposed to be affordable housing units. The property is approximately 45 acres, located at Harts Lane and Tices Lane and…

  • Environmental effects of proposed Hidden Oak Woods development in East Brunswick discussed by opposers

    Environmental effects of proposed Hidden Oak Woods development in East Brunswick discussed by opposers

    EAST BRUNSWICK–Equipped with slides, a soil scientist and a planner, former resident Rich Walling led an objector’s case against the Hidden Oak Woods development plan in East Brunswick. The plan submitted by developer Alfieri proposes the construction of seven four-story buildings with 275 residential units, each building expected to be under 50 feet in height.…

  • East Brunswick residents form coalition to stop development plan

    East Brunswick residents form coalition to stop development plan

    EAST BRUNSWICK–A group of concerned residents formed the “Preserve East Brunswick Pine Barrens Coalition” to establish opposition toward the Hidden Oak Woods development plan. Local historian and former township resident Rich Walling served as the host to a community meeting to inform residents about the proposed development plan and to help establish an ad-hoc coalition to oppose…

  • Old Bridge officials disagree on affordable housing obligations

    Old Bridge officials disagree on affordable housing obligations

    BY KATHY CHANG Staff Writer OLD BRIDGE — Council members’ opinions differed on a decision to grant approval to Old Bridge’s updated affordable housing plan. The Township Council discussed Middlesex County Superior Court Judge Arnold L. Natali Jr.’s decision to grant final approval of the township’s 1999 to 2025 Housing Element and Fair Share Housing Plan.…