Tag: Approved Resolution

  • Spotswood council seeks to finalize phase one of DeVoe Lake project

    Spotswood council seeks to finalize phase one of DeVoe Lake project

    SPOTSWOOD–The Borough Council approved a resolution authorizing the change order number three payment of $554,895 for the DeVoe Lake Dredging Project, phase one. “The change order that was voted on favorably by the borough council at the June 14 meeting was an overall increase to the cost. The change order included an additional dredge area…

  • East Brunswick council approves resolution supporting $1.75M library renovation project

    East Brunswick council approves resolution supporting $1.75M library renovation project

    EAST BRUNSWICK–The Township Council approved a resolution endorsing the East Brunswick Public Library’s $1.75 million renovation project. The Library Board of Trustees proposed improvements and renovations within the library facility, according to the council. The key elements of the improvements and renovations to the library include: Replacement of the end-of-life HVAC system; ADA-compliant children’s restrooms;…

  • Spotswood council appoints new public agency compliance officer

    Spotswood council appoints new public agency compliance officer

    SPOTSWOOD–The Borough Council approved a resolution authorizing the appointment of Business Administrator Ryan Michelson as the municipality’s new Public Agency Compliance Officer (PACO). The borough is required to designate one of its borough officials as PACO in order to meet the Affirmative Action requirements for public agencies in the awarding of contracts pursuant to public…

  • East Brunswick appoints new councilman

    East Brunswick appoints new councilman

    EAST BRUNSWICK–Seeking to fill the vacancy left by Assemblyman Sterley Stanley, the East Brunswick Township Council approved a resolution appointing Dinesh Behal as its newest council member. A vacancy existed on the council as a result of the resignation of former councilman  Stanley, who was sworn in as assemblyman on Jan. 26. The East Brunswick…

  • East Brunswick council approves resolution establishing rules at virtual meetings

    East Brunswick council approves resolution establishing rules at virtual meetings

    EAST BRUNSWICK – The Township Council approved a resolution regarding emergency remote meetings protocols, procedures and requirements for public participation. Emergency Remote Meeting Protocol for Local Public Bodies is to ensure that local public bodies can continue to conduct official business in an open and transparent manner whenever a declared emergency exists that prohibits physical…

  • East Brunswick council endorses $8.7M library expansion project

    East Brunswick council endorses $8.7M library expansion project

    EAST BRUNSWICK–The Township Council approved a resolution in support of the East Brunswick Public Library’s anticipated $8.7 million expansion project. The library Board of Trustees proposed improvements, renovations and re-purposing within the library facility and construction of additional space featuring an adult quiet reading room and a teen meeting space, according to the council. The…

  • East Brunswick Council loosens restrictions for restaurants’ outdoor seating

    East Brunswick Council loosens restrictions for restaurants’ outdoor seating

    EAST BRUNSWICK–Seeking to help eateries safely regain their customers, the Township Council approved a resolution allowing outdoor seating for restaurants located in East Brunswick. Mayor Brad Cohen said Gov. Phil Murphy announced the state’s four-stage system to reopen the state and how it will move forward; however, the timeline from getting to each stage is…

  • Matawan appoints part-time business administrator

    Matawan appoints part-time business administrator

    MATAWAN–The Borough Council approved a resolution authorizing the appointment of Scott Carew as the municipality’s new part-time interim business administrator. Mayor Joseph Altomonte said the borough’s current administrator, Louis Ferrara, is leaving to take a position with a larger municipality closer to his home. Appointed to the position on Feb. 18, 2013, Altomonte said Ferrara’s…

  • Spotswood residents voice disapproval for administrator appointed for project

    Spotswood residents voice disapproval for administrator appointed for project

    SPOTSWOOD–Seeking to provide funding for the George Street Water Treatment Plant upgrades, the Borough Council approved a resolution to send an application requesting state funding. On Feb. 3, the council approved a resolution to file an application to the New Jersey Environmental Infrastructure Financing Program/Water Bank through the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (DEP)…