Tag: Attitudes in Reverse

  • Hopewell Valley students manage stress with help of Attitudes in Reverse therapy dogs

    Hopewell Valley students manage stress with help of Attitudes in Reverse therapy dogs

    The beginning of the 2020-21 school year is different. Students entering buildings must wear masks while social distancing. Class sizes are reduced significantly. Plexiglass barriers loom in classrooms, protecting children from the spread of illness. Some students continue to be on a hybrid schedule, meaning part-time on school property and part-time home doing virtual learning.…

  • Lakeside School students receive virtual visit from AIR therapy dogs

    Lakeside School students receive virtual visit from AIR therapy dogs

    “You were seriously wonderful today! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for Zooming with my students. I know for sure that it brought so much joy to them and their families. The kids were so engaged and asked some wonderful questions. I really can’t thank you enough.” Those words by Michelle Caravella, a…

  • South Brunswick High School promotes mental health wellness

    South Brunswick High School promotes mental health wellness

    SOUTH BRUNSWICK – Although South Brunswick High School has many well-developed programs and experienced staff to address adolescents’  mental health issues, Meryl Orlando was worried. “What about the students who don’t know where to go or are too afraid to knock on a counselor’s door when they feel sad or anxious?” Orlando said in a statement…

  • Taste of Hope fundraiser to benefit youth with mental health disorders

    Attitudes In Reverse (AIR), a Princeton-based nonprofit organization, educates youth about mental health disorders and encourages them to seek help, rather than suffer in silence or self-medicate with alcohol or illicit drugs, if they experience symptoms for any length of time. To support its mission, AIR will hold its first Taste of Hope fundraiser from…