Tag: Bordentown Historical Society

  • Bordentown Historical Society has famed painting successfully restored

    Bordentown Historical Society has famed painting successfully restored

    A treasured item of the Bordentown Historical Society has been restored. And the painting will have a new home in Bordentown City. After the Bordentown Historical Society had set out on a successful fundraiser campaign to solicit funds for the restoration of a painting of Francis Hopkinson, they recently received the American historical piece back…

  • Bordentown Historical Society encourages donations for site improvements

    Bordentown Historical Society encourages donations for site improvements

    The Bordentown Historical Society embarked on a recent project to enhance multiple features at their Friends Meeting House site on Farnsworth Avenue. But the Bordentown Historiacl Society is now encouraging local patrons to help out any way they can. After the historical society completed an award winning $90,000 project to build, repair and restore the…

  • Bordentown Historical Society awarded by county

    Bordentown Historical Society awarded by county

    The Bordentown Historical Society typically dedicates its time and efforts toward recognizing the people and organizations that have contributed to the area’s storied past. But but it was the Bordentown Historical Society that was, in turn, the one to be recognized in May. In acknowledgment of the historical society’s commitment to enhancing and maintaining the…

  • Clara Barton School site receives two new flags

    Clara Barton School site receives two new flags

    Bordentown residents who drive past the historic Clara Barton Schoolhouse  may notice two new recent features at the site. As part of an initiative between the Bordertown Regional School District and the Bordertown Historical Society, the historic Clara Barton School received two new flags to be flown and were celebrated for the first time on…

  • Historical Society launches new horticulture exhibition series

    Historical Society launches new horticulture exhibition series

    With the warm summer months approaching, the Bordentown Historical Society recently launched its newest exhibition series to celebrate the people who influenced the area’s  renowned horticulture and landscaping. For the society’s spring and summer exhibit titled, “How Does Your Garden Grow,” residents will have the opportunity to learn about multiple historical individuals’ hand in contributing…

  • Historical Society capstones exhibition series on local institutions

    Historical Society capstones exhibition series on local institutions

    Two local educational institutions will be forever stapled in Bordentown when the Historical School No. 2 and Manual Training and Industrial School (MTIS) sites were recently bestowed with commemorative banners. As part of an initiative between the Bordentown Historical Society and community partners, Building Bridges, they presented an exhibition series from February through April this…

  • MTIS founder’s relative discusses institution’s legacy at lecture event

    MTIS founder’s relative discusses institution’s legacy at lecture event

    Making a connection between the learning experiences and teaching models of the past and present, the Bordentown Historical Society served as the host to a lecture series event with Mildred Rice Jordan, Ed. D., granddaughter of the Bordentown Manual Training and Industrial School (MTIS) Founder, Rev. A.S. Rice. The lecture event was held at the…

  • Bordentown groups sponsor walk at property with ties to French historical figure

    Bordentown groups sponsor walk at property with ties to French historical figure

    Bordentown residents will have the opportunity to follow in the footsteps of local history. The Bordentown Historical Society and the D&R Greenway Land Trust have teamed up to serve as a host to an historical walk at Bordentown Bluffs where Joseph-Napoleon Bonaparte, French diplomat and nobleman and the brother of the famous Napoleon Bonaparte, once…

  • Bordentown Historical Society to hold lecture on famous schools

    Bordentown Historical Society to hold lecture on famous schools

    As the Bordentown Historical Society’s current exhibition series comes to a close on May 4, one final event is scheduled. The history of the Manual Training and Industrial School will be held this weekend when the group plays as a host to a lecture with Mildred Rice Jordan, Ed. D., granddaughter of the Bordentown School…