Tag: Boy Scout Troop 3

  • Scouts to hold food drive throughout Jamesburg

    Scouts to hold food drive throughout Jamesburg

    On Nov. 3, scouts will begin a food drive in the Jamesburg, going door-to-door to distribute food donation bags to borough residents. On Nov. 10, they will again go door-to-door to collect the donated items. Afterwards, they will sort, organize and deliver them to the Deacons Food Cupboard, a mission of the Presbyterian Church of…

  • Scout improves entrance to N.J. Veterans Memorial Home

    Scout improves entrance to N.J. Veterans Memorial Home

    When looking to fulfill his Eagle Scout project requirement, Devin Sherron of Troop 3 in Monroe, knew he wanted his project to honor those who have served in the armed forces.  “I’ve always appreciated and admired the men and women who make the commitment and sacrifice to serve and protect our country,” Devin said in…

  • Monroe scout documents the phonograph at Thomas Edison Center

    Monroe scout documents the phonograph at Thomas Edison Center

    Researching the history of Thomas Edison’s phonograph sounded like a great idea to a Monroe Eagle Scout candidate. Shankar Saikia, a sophomore at Monroe Township High School, chose to research, design and build a permanent exhibit highlighting one of Thomas Edison’s most significant inventions on the grounds of the Thomas Edison Center at Menlo Park…

  • Monroe scout creates wheelchair-accessible nature trail

    Monroe scout creates wheelchair-accessible nature trail

    A wheelchair accessible Nature Trail for Academy Learning Center (ALC) students has been completed courtesy of Greg Braun, a Monroe Township High School junior. Greg coordinated efforts with his fellow Boy Scout Troop 3 members and ALC staff, and secured donations to construct the project to demonstrate his leadership skills in his effort to become…

  • Scouts to collect food donations in Jamesburg

    Scouts to collect food donations in Jamesburg

    The Boy Scouts of America (BSA) will hold its annual “Scouting for Food” in Jamesburg to collect donations for area food banks. Scouts from Troops 54, 3 and 60 and Packs 54 and 105 will go door-to-door on Oct. 28 to distribute food donation bags to borough residents. On Nov. 4, the scouts will again…