Tag: charlottesville

  • Monroe grassroots organization promotes solidarity after clashes in Charlottesville

    Monroe grassroots organization promotes solidarity after clashes in Charlottesville

    MONROE — Within 36 hours of the mayhem in Charlottesville, Virginia, that gripped the nation, Irene Linet, co-chair of Indivisible of Monroe Township, organized a rally in support of togetherness. Protests in Charlottesville on Aug. 12 turned violent when white nationalists clashed with activists protesting racism. One woman was killed and many were injured when…

  • Jewish Federation plans events to counteract hate

    Jewish Federation plans events to counteract hate

    The events which took place in Charlottesville, Virginia, clearly reinforce The Jewish Federation’s position that hate should have no home in our community. Sadly, there are too many occasions these days to call out hate, anti-Semitism and bigotry – and too many incidents like what took place Aug. 17 in Barcelona. Actions speak louder than…

  • Monroe to stand in solidarity with Charlottesville during Aug. 16 rally

    Monroe to stand in solidarity with Charlottesville during Aug. 16 rally

    Monroe Township Mayor Gerald Tamburro and other community leaders will join Indivisible of Monroe Township from 3-6 p.m. on Aug. 16 at the Monroe Senior Center, 12 Halsey Reed Road, at the corner of Applegarth Road, for a vigil in solidarity with the people of Charlottesville, Virginia. Charlottesville was the site of a rally that…