Tag: Clean Water Action

  • Keep the garden in ‘Garden State’

    Keep the garden in ‘Garden State’

    By Janet Tauro An anticipated state Senate bill that would expand the process around warehouse development proposals in New Jersey might be the first step toward keeping the “garden” in the Garden State. The bill, as first reported by NJ Spotlight, was expected to be introduced in late April by state Senate President Stephen Sweeney…

  • Pinkin receives ‘hero’ award from Clean Water Action

    Pinkin receives ‘hero’ award from Clean Water Action

    Assemblywoman Nancy J. Pinkin (D-Middlesex) was named an “environmental hero” by the Clean Water Action. Awarded to 20 members of the New Jersey Legislature, the former East Brunswick councilwoman’s environmental record was lauded for her support of clean water, fighting against the Christie’s administration attempts to divert resources from the Exxon-Mobil settlement rather than being…

  • Celebration of the EPA takes place at Old Bridge site

    Celebration of the EPA takes place at Old Bridge site

    OLD BRIDGE — The site of the cleanup at the Margaret’s Creek sector of the Raritan Bay Slag Superfund site was fitting as elected officials and the New Jersey Sierra Club commemorated the creation of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) last week. The EPA was created on July 9, 1970 through bipartisan efforts during…

  • Officials say New Jersey’s water is safe

    Officials say New Jersey’s water is safe

    By KENNY WALTER Staff Writer TRENTON – Despite concerns from environmental groups, state and local officials have said drinking water in New Jersey is safe. Lawrence Hajna, press officer for the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), said a recent report by advocacy group Environmental Working Group (EWG) identified carcinogenic metal chromium-6 in 138…