Tag: climate change

  • SOLUTIONS 8/6: Our Burning Earth

    SOLUTIONS 8/6: Our Burning Earth

    By  Huck Fairman Many, if not most, in our region have been aware of the climate crisis. Many, but far from most, have turned to electric vehicles (EVs) and solar panels. While emissions in the United States and Europe have been declining, this summer’s extreme heat and weather events warn that we are not doing…

  • SOLUTIONS 7/2: Capturing Carbon – Ideas Large and Small

    SOLUTIONS 7/2: Capturing Carbon – Ideas Large and Small

    By Huck Fairman Most local readers know about the climate crisis we face, and they recognize that we have limited time to reduce emissions before the problem becomes catastrophic. What many may not be aware of are the numerous, diverse efforts to reduce our carbon emissions. Among those widely known are electric vehicles, solar panels,…

  • Learn about how to reduce impact of climate change

    Learn about how to reduce impact of climate change

    The North Brunswick Public Library will host a virtual seminar, “Climate Change in New Jersey: Practical Steps Individuals Can Take to Reduce Its Impact,” at 7 p.m. May 11. John Miraglia, of the Raritan Valley Group of the Sierra Club, will present an online talk discussing the impact of climate change and other environmental factors…

  • SOLUTIONS 4/23: Warnings and Necessary Steps

    SOLUTIONS 4/23: Warnings and Necessary Steps

    By Huck Fairman In the last week, warnings from several sources were issued about the planet’s future. And along with them came strong recommendations for what should be done. As a necessary early step, President Joe Biden is scheduled soon to hold a virtual climate summit with world leaders. Its purpose is to reduce emissions…

  • LOOSE ENDS 3/26: Climate Initiative

    LOOSE ENDS 3/26: Climate Initiative

    By Pam Hersh Friday, March 19, the windy day before the arrival of spring, blew me away when I had the good fortune to bump into a climate strike in Princeton’s Hinds Plaza. Late in the afternoon, I found myself in the midst of a dozen masked young people, chanting “Our Planet/Our future, Our Water/Our…

  • SOLUTIONS 2/12: Electric Vehicles Begin to Address Emissions Issue

    SOLUTIONS 2/12: Electric Vehicles Begin to Address Emissions Issue

    By Huck Fairman The climate challenges we all face are known by many around the world. What is uncertain is whether or not we as a species will respond in time to maintain the environments we depend on. Last week there was some good news: General Motors announced it will be manufacturing electric vehicles (EV)…

  • SOLUTIONS: Professor provides assessment of where, environmentally, we are

    SOLUTIONS: Professor provides assessment of where, environmentally, we are

    By Huck Fairman With the election of President Joe Biden, who has stressed the need to deal with our environmental challenges, a number of observers have responded positively, while also warning that the world cannot afford to fall short in efforts to reduce and reverse global warming. Among them is Professor Michael Oppenheimer of Princeton…

  • SOLUTIONS 11/27: Initiatives and ideas to address climate change

    SOLUTIONS 11/27: Initiatives and ideas to address climate change

    By Huck Fairman As climate change becomes more pronounced – the warmest years on record have all been over the last several – societies and communities are discussing and trying different approaches. In Portland, Oregon, voters approved a 2018 ballot measure, The Clean Energy Fund. Denver, Colorado, voters recently approved a similar program. President-elect Joe…

  • SOLUTIONS 11/20: Looking Ahead

    SOLUTIONS 11/20: Looking Ahead

    By Huck Fairman The last week in New Jersey has seen beautiful, summer-like days with blue skies and temperatures in the 70s. Many have ventured outside to enjoy them. But others have worried that this unusual November weather is another warning that we are warming our planet. Is there evidence to support those concerns? In…