Tag: Cranbury

  • Mosquito spray notification for Cranbury and Monroe

    Mosquito spray notification for Cranbury and Monroe

    The Middlesex County Mosquito Extermination Commission will conduct a truck ULV spray mission for nuisance adult mosquitoes and/or vector control from 6 p.m. to midnight June 23 in the areas of the New Jersey Turnpike, Half Acre Road, Applegarth Road and North Station Road in Cranbury and Monroe, weather-permitting. Rain date is June 24. A…

  • Spotted lanternfly nymphs spotted in Cranbury

    Spotted lanternfly nymphs spotted in Cranbury

    CRANBURY – Spotted lanternfly nymphs have emerged and have been spotted in Cranbury. Residents should inspect their properties for the Tree of Heaven and for lanternfly egg masses, and to destroy all egg masses before they hatch. Do not try to eliminate the Tree of Heaven by cutting it down or mowing it over, as…

  • Your Turn: The Cranbury Township Committee must opt out of cannabis licenses

    Your Turn: The Cranbury Township Committee must opt out of cannabis licenses

    The Cranbury Township Committee must enact an ordinance opting out of all licenses permitted under the new cannabis law. Failure to do so would be a complete dereliction of its duties, and it would fly in the face of the overwhelming number of Cranbury residents (and voters) who have voiced their support of an ordinance…

  • Children’s mural identifies peace, love, hope and community in Bordentown City

    Children’s mural identifies peace, love, hope and community in Bordentown City

    The Bordentown Arts initiative includes a mural component, which will teach children the importance of peace, love, hope and community. Bordentown City resident Leon Stanley launched Bordentown Arts, whose mission is “to create, showcase and celebrate arts and culture in and around Bordentown City,” he said. Part of the initiative is the Children’s Mural Project, inspired…

  • Learn about Cranbury Business Association on May 13

    Learn about Cranbury Business Association on May 13

    The Cranbury Business Association will hold an information session virtually at 7 p.m. May 13. Learn about new membership benefits, Cranbury Day opportunities and how to join. All Cranbury business owners are welcome. Register at www.cranburybusinessassociation.com/zoom-signup  The Zoom link will be provided upon registration.  

  • Cranbury teen wins environmental award for speaking against climate change

    Cranbury teen wins environmental award for speaking against climate change

    A local Cranbury teen won an environmental award for her advocacy in speaking out against climate change and its effect on marginalized communities. Stony Brook Garden Club announced that Aurora Yuan, a current senior at Princeton High School, has received the Elly and Giorgio Petronio Environmental Award. Since the seventh grade, Aurora has been active…

  • Your Turn: Cranbury should opt out of marijuana sales

    Your Turn: Cranbury should opt out of marijuana sales

    Would you sign a mortgage not knowing the terms and conditions? Would you accept a doctor’s recommendation for surgery if the doctor said, “I need money. I’ll send you to the hospital and do an appendectomy, brain surgery or maybe a heart bypass. Not sure what I’ll do until we’re there, so just say yes.”…

  • Cranbury police chief offers first quarter review, focusing on cannabis, COVID

    Cranbury police chief offers first quarter review, focusing on cannabis, COVID

    Chief Michael J. Owens of the Cranbury Police Department offered the following information related to the first quarter of 2021 in a new initiative to provide quarterly reports to residents. “January, February, and March have been busy months for our officers. With several weather events, we have been active with 53 crash investigations thus far including…

  • Panelists will offer guidance on how parents can talk to children about drug use

    The Partnership for a Drug-Free New Jersey will present “15-Minute Child Break” at 7 p.m. March 25, co-hosted by the Cranbury Municipal Alliance, The Cranbury School and the Cranbury Police Department. Parents who talk to their children about their activities an average of 15 minutes per day have children who are 67% less likely to…