Tag: Cross Avenue

  • Sayreville establishes new affordable housing districts

    Sayreville establishes new affordable housing districts

    SAYREVILLE – As part of an affordable housing obligation to the state, the Sayreville Borough Council has allowed the creation of developments with affordable units to move forward while requiring the developments have fewer market rate units than were originally proposed. On May 13, council members adopted two separate ordinances that amended an existing ordinance…

  • Sayreville passes resolutions related to affordable housing

    Sayreville passes resolutions related to affordable housing

    SAYREVILLE – The Sayreville Borough Council has taken action to assist in the development of properties intended to help the borough meet its affordable housing obligations. On Oct. 9, the council passed four separate resolutions that authorized the execution of the addendum to the settlement agreement between Sayreville and K-Land Corp. (Kaplan Properties); authorized Borough…

  • Sayreville to continue talks about housing on National Lead site

    Sayreville to continue talks about housing on National Lead site

    SAYREVILLE – An ordinance that will allow the creation of a development that will help Sayreville meet its affordable housing obligations, but which has been a source of concern for residents near the planned development, has been tabled by the Borough Council. If adopted, the ordinance will permit the development of a multi-family dwelling on…

  • Sayreville affordable housing ordinances introduced

    Sayreville affordable housing ordinances introduced

    SAYREVILLE – Two ordinances intended to assist Sayreville in reaching its necessary amount of affordable units have been introduced by the Borough Council. The council voted 5-1 to re-introduce an ordinance during its Sept. 11 meeting that will amend the borough’s affordable housing ordinance, and voted to introduce an ordinance that will permit projects that…

  • Sayreville to review affordable housing ordinance

    Sayreville to review affordable housing ordinance

    SAYREVILLE – Two ordinances intended to assist Sayreville in reaching its necessary amount of affordable units are scheduled to be introduced by the Borough Council on Sept. 11. An ordinance that will amend the borough’s affordable housing ordinance and an ordinance that will permit projects that have affordable units in their zone were considered by…

  • Sayreville mulls affordable housing plan recommendation

    Sayreville mulls affordable housing plan recommendation

    SAYREVILLE – Ordinances intended to assist Sayreville in meeting its affordable housing obligations have been recommended to the Borough Council by the Planning Board amid continued concerns from residents over their potential impact. On Aug. 2, the Planning Board recommended an ordinance to the council that would amend the borough’s affordable housing ordinance and an…

  • Residents disagree on affordable housing options in Sayreville

    Residents disagree on affordable housing options in Sayreville

    SAYREVILLE – A plan from borough officials to meet Sayreville’s affordable housing regulations is being met with concerns from residents. At a Borough Council meeting on June 26, members of the public spoke about four introduced ordinances related to affordable housing. If adopted, the ordinances will amend the borough’s affordable housing ordinance, add a new…