Tag: Dr. Ira Shapiro

  • Fall can be dangerous for the ill-prepared

    Fall can be dangerous for the ill-prepared

    By Dr. Ira Shapiro Director Plaza Chiropractic Center Old Bridge Fall can be a dangerous time of year for the ill-prepared. According to GateHouse Media’s review of 20 years of hospital data, “More children go to the emergency room for sports-related injuries in September than at any other time of the year.” The National Electronic…

  • Exercise can do more to offset early signs of dementia than you think

    Exercise can do more to offset early signs of dementia than you think

    By Dr. Ira Shapiro Director, Plaza Chiropractic Center Old Bridge There are at least 5 million people currently living with age-related dementia in the United States, according to a report from the Alzheimer’s Association. The publication goes on to estimate that that one out of every six women and one out of every 10 men,…

  • Reducing migraine pain

    Reducing migraine pain

    By Dr. Ira Shapiro Director, Plaza Chiropractic Center Old Bridge The symptoms can last for days or rapidly progress from nausea and the sensitivity to light and sound to excruciating pain piercing both sides of the head. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), migraines are among the 20 most “debilitating” diseases and the cause…

  • Battle stress with a good workout

    Battle stress with a good workout

    By Dr. Ira Shapiro Director, Plaza Chiropractic Center Old Bridge   Do you ever feel like nothing’s easy and there’s never enough time to enjoy the activities that make life worth living?   Join the club. According to a recent poll released by Gallup News, “About eight in 10 Americans say they frequently (44%) or…

  • You have the power to take control of your own life

    You have the power to take control of your own life

    By Dr. Ira Shapiro Director, Plaza Chiropractic Center Old Bridge Where and who you work out with may be as important as the activity you choose for improving mood and overall wellness levels. In fact, mindset may well be the most important ingredient for achieving long-term weight loss and fitness goals. It’s nearly impossible to…

  • Spring is on the way: Time to warm up cold, achy muscles

    Spring is on the way: Time to warm up cold, achy muscles

    By Dr. Ira Shapiro Director, Plaza Chiropractic Center Old Bridge The days are getting longer. In a few short weeks spring will be in the air. Good for you if you spent the winter hiking, taking long walks, at the gym, or just staying active overall. If not, it’s time to get on the move.…

  • Enjoy the winter with a safe, hearty workout

    Enjoy the winter with a safe, hearty workout

    By Dr. Ira Shapiro Director, Plaza Chiropractic Center Old Bridge While many of us would rather seek the warm comfort of a soft, plush couch during the cold wintry months, others rejoice in the chance to participate in the endless array of sports and activities that only become possible once the temperature drops. But, despite the…

  • Time to perk up with a good workout

    Time to perk up with a good workout

    By Dr. Ira Shapiro Director of the Plaza Chiropractic Center Old Bridge Tired? Join the club. One in five adults in the United States suffer from fatigue, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Various other studies cite causes that range from working too much to worry, stress, boredom and a general lack of sleep. A…

  • Injuries are easier to prevent than you think

    Injuries are easier to prevent than you think

    By Dr. Ira Shapiro Director of the Plaza Chiropractic Center Old Bridge Injuries are a fact of life. Accidents happen every day. Whether at work, home or on the street, people in general get hurt doing anything from playing sports to turning the wrong way too quickly. The most common sports injuries are ankle sprains,…