Tag: Edgar Middle School

  • Herbert Hoover Middle School students win 2018 UnitedHealthcare Health Bee

    Herbert Hoover Middle School students win 2018 UnitedHealthcare Health Bee

    Seventh-grade students at Herbert Hoover Middle School in Edison know a lot about health, fitness and nutrition. The students won the 2018 UnitedHealthcare Health Bee competition at the Metuchen YMCA on April 19. For their showing, UnitedHealthcare awarded the school $1,000 to apply to its health and wellness programs. Students from four middle schools, including…

  • Edgar Middle School students show support for hometown hero through letters/cards

    Edgar Middle School students show support for hometown hero through letters/cards

    METUCHEN — The words on the cards say it all. “We thank you for your service and bravery,” Joseph, a student at Edgar Middle School in Metuchen, wrote. “If not for you, freedom and safety may not exist. Therefore, you are a true hero and will always be.” Joseph signed his card, “From your biggest…

  • Woman shares harrowing story of survival from the Nazis

    Woman shares harrowing story of survival from the Nazis

    METUCHEN — As someone who fled Poland during the Holocaust, Sally Frishberg said she knows the word genocide all too well. “It’s happening today,” she said as she looked out at the fifth graders at Edgar Middle School, noting the recent chemical attack in Syria. “The world unfortunately hasn’t learned everything from the past.” Frishberg,…

  • Edgar Middle School students link arms in support of shooting victims

    Edgar Middle School students link arms in support of shooting victims

    METUCHEN — Seventh-grader Charlotte Breen stepped outside her classroom at Edgar Middle School in Metuchen, linked her arms around two of her fellow classmates, bowed her head and closed her eyes in remembrance of the 17 lives lost during the mass shooting in Parkland, Florida, last month. “I didn’t hear anyone around me,” she said.…

  • Metuchen plans parking changes

    Metuchen plans parking changes

    METUCHEN — With safety at the forefront, the Borough Council is expected to make changes to parking in the area of Prospect Street and High Street, which intersect each other. Borough Administrator Jay Muldoon said he and Police Chief David Irizarry visited the area after resident complaints of parking woes and speeding in the area.…

  • Metuchen schools monitor student body growth

    METUCHEN — After a report by a professional demographer, the Board of Education will continue to closely monitor the population growth in the district. Board member Ben Small, who chairs the board’s Finance and Facilities Committee, said they brought in a demographer to help the board figure out whether or not to keep the status…

  • Metuchen schools recognized for sustainability

    Metuchen schools recognized for sustainability

    METUCHEN — Three schools — Metuchen High School, Edgar Middle School and Campbell Elementary School — have been recognized for their efforts in sustainability. “I am very proud of the work by our Green Teams at our schools,” Schools Superintendent Vincent Caputo said. “In collaboration with our parents, the Metuchen Public Schools have made a…

  • Metuchen reinvigorates Human Relations Commission

    Metuchen reinvigorates Human Relations Commission

    METUCHEN — Borough officials are hoping to add another epithet to the town’s  name. Already known as the “Brainy Boro” and “Doughnut Hole,” borough officials hope to also be known as a diverse, inclusive community. The Borough Council approved, on first reading, amending a Human Relations Commission ordinance, bringing it up to date at a…

  • Metuchen considers revamping schools

    Metuchen considers revamping schools

    METUCHEN — Facing the inevitable growth of the downtown area, the Board of Education is in the midst of contemplating how to prepare the district for the development in the next five to 10 years. EI Associates, a Cedar Knolls-based architectural design and engineering firm, presented a district wide feasibility study, which laid out suggestions…