Tag: Etra Lake Park

  • Residents remove almost 350 pounds of trash from Etra Lake Park

    Residents remove almost 350 pounds of trash from Etra Lake Park

    East Windsor Township and The Watershed Institute co-sponsored, in cooperation with the Americorps Watershed Ambassador Program, a stream cleanup at Etra Lake Park in East Windsor. More than 70 volunteers, young and adult, joined in the stream cleanup on April 23, collecting over 347 pounds of trash and recyclables at the park on Disbrow Road,…

  • East Windsor holds kickoff for 2022 Community Garden

    East Windsor holds kickoff for 2022 Community Garden

    Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Council Members David Russell, Alan Rosenberg and John Zoller, along with Health Advisory Board Chairperson Nancy Toledo and community garden participants, celebrated the kickoff for the 2022 Community Garden located in Disbrow Hill Park, adjacent to the Disbrow Hill playing fields and across from Etra Lake Park. “We are excited…

  • East Windsor residents petition for park improvements

    East Windsor residents petition for park improvements

    An online petition that asks East Windsor officials to make improvements to the municipal parks – from replacing worn-out playground equipment and broken benches, to making repairs to the tennis and basketball courts – has gained more than 840 signatures since it began circulating in early August. “We, the taxpaying citizens of East Windsor, are…

  • More than 700 pounds of trash removed from Etra Lake Park

    More than 700 pounds of trash removed from Etra Lake Park

    East Windsor and The Watershed Institute co-sponsored, in cooperation with the Americorps Watershed Ambassador Program, a stream cleanup at Etra Lake Park on Disbrow Hill Road. Over 80 volunteers, young and adult, joined in the stream cleanup on April 24, collecting 706 pounds of trash and recyclables at Etra Lake Park.