Tag: Food & Water Watch

  • Expansion of William Transco’s gas pipeline brings concerns of health and safety

    Expansion of William Transco’s gas pipeline brings concerns of health and safety

    OLD BRIDGE — With the possibility of a gas pipeline running through her neighborhood, Alice Russo, a resident of the Madison Park section of Old Bridge, stood up and said she is frightened. “Even if not for the environment, what would my property be worth?” she asked, should she decide to sell her home. “And…

  • What will gas power facility mean for Old Bridge?

    What will gas power facility mean for Old Bridge?

    As the former director of Special Services in Old Bridge, I have always been concerned about environmental impacts on the health, safety and access to learning of children. As a citizen, I am motivated to do something about it. That’s why I am joining many others across Central Jersey who are concerned about a new…

  • Middlesex County Freeholders take action against pipeline plan

    Middlesex County Freeholders take action against pipeline plan

    Responding to a sustained campaign by concerned residents and environmental activists, the Middlesex County Board of Chosen Freeholders has announced that they will file a motion to intervene on a controversial gas pipeline that has drawn opposition in central Jersey. Williams Transco is proposing a new fracked gas pipeline expansion in Central  Jersey. The plan…