Tag: Freehold Borough centennial
Freehold Borough centennial gala to be held at American Hotel on Sept. 6
FREEHOLD – The Borough of Freehold is celebrating 100 years of incorporation in 2019. Although Freehold was settled more than 325 years ago as a much larger municipality, which included what is now Freehold Township, the residents in the more densely settled section of town held a special election on July 8, 1919 and voted…
Red Cross branch played prominent local role during World War I
By Muriel J. Smith Freehold’s Red Cross was still active after World War I. It was April 1919, 100 years ago this month. While many citizens in and around Freehold were continuing discussions on the possibility and hope that the business center of the township could be separated and created under its own government, none…
Freehold Borough’s creation was cause for concern in 1919
By Muriel J. Smith It was March 1919 and everyone was not in favor of separating the middle of Freehold Township and creating a separate and individual Freehold Borough. William F. Barkalow, who lived on the Adelphia road and was a member of the Township Committee, brought the question to the Freehold Transcript, asking the…