Tag: Freehold Borough municipal government

  • Young men recognized in Freehold Borough for attaining Eagle Scout rank

    Young men recognized in Freehold Borough for attaining Eagle Scout rank

    FREEHOLD – Three members of a Boy Scout troop that is based in Freehold Borough have been recognized by the Borough Council for attaining the rank of Eagle Scout. During a meeting on April 18, council members passed resolutions honoring Joseph Zamorski, Michael Zamorski and Andrew Downey, all of whom are members of Freehold Troop…

  • Freehold Borough firehouse relocation bond ordinance adopted

    Freehold Borough firehouse relocation bond ordinance adopted

    FREEHOLD – Municipal officials have appropriated $5 million to be used to relocate Freehold Borough’s firehouse, develop a modern bus station and improve a borough park. On April 18, Borough Council members adopted a bond ordinance that will appropriate $5 million for capital improvements. The ordinance authorizes the issuance of $4.76 million in bonds or…

  • Reich, Rogers seek new three-year terms in Freehold Borough

    Reich, Rogers seek new three-year terms in Freehold Borough

    FREEHOLD – Two incumbent members of the Borough Council in Freehold Borough are seeking re-election to new three-year terms on the governing body. According to the municipal clerk’s office, Democrats Adam Reich and Margaret Rogers filed nominating petitions to run for office in 2022. No other Democrats filed to run for office so Reich and…

  • Freehold Borough officials will fund firehouse relocation

    Freehold Borough officials will fund firehouse relocation

    FREEHOLD – Municipal officials are taking action to appropriate $5 million that will be used to relocate Freehold Borough’s firehouse, develop a modern bus station and improve a borough park. On April 4, members of the Borough Council introduced a bond ordinance that will, if adopted, appropriate $5 million for capital improvements. The ordinance will…

  • Neighborhood Preservation Program put in motion in Freehold Borough

    Neighborhood Preservation Program put in motion in Freehold Borough

    FREEHOLD – Municipal officials in Freehold Borough have adopted a plan to implement a five-year Neighborhood Preservation Program (NPP) for the downtown district and other areas of the community. On March 7, Borough Council members passed a resolution to adopt the NPP implementation plan. The program is a revitalization initiative aimed at creating visible, tangible,…

  • Freehold Borough water treatment plant nears completion

    Freehold Borough water treatment plant nears completion

    FREEHOLD – A new water treatment plant that will service Freehold Borough is nearing completion. The new treatment plant is under construction on Waterworks Road in Freehold Township, across from the treatment plant that has served Freehold Borough for many decades. This week, in response to an inquiry from the News Transcript, Borough Councilman George…

  • Freehold Borough will become home to Springsteen ‘story center’

    Freehold Borough will become home to Springsteen ‘story center’

    FREEHOLD – As if Bruce Springsteen was not already leaving enough of a legacy in his hometown of Freehold Borough, now he will leave one in brick and mortar. The Bruce Springsteen Archives and Center for American Music at Monmouth University, West Long Branch, in collaboration with Freehold Borough municipal officials, have announced a plan…

  • Two entities seek to run cannabis businesses in Freehold Borough

    Two entities seek to run cannabis businesses in Freehold Borough

    FREEHOLD – Two applicants are seeking cannabis business licenses in Freehold Borough. On Feb. 22, the members of the Borough Council passed two resolutions which recognize the New Jersey Cannabis Regulatory Commission applications submitted by entities known as Got Your Six of NJ, LLC, and Prest Gunther Family Manufacturing, doing business as PGFM. Got Your…

  • Freehold Borough action will permit medical cannabis dispensaries

    Freehold Borough action will permit medical cannabis dispensaries

    FREEHOLD – The members of the Borough Council have amended regulations regarding cannabis businesses that may eventually operate in Freehold Borough by adding medical cannabis dispensaries as an approved business. During a meeting on Feb. 7, council members adopted an ordinance that will amend the existing cannabis ordinance and include alternative treatment centers which dispense…