Tag: Freehold Township municipal government

  • Freehold Township officials award contract for pump station upgrades

    Freehold Township officials award contract for pump station upgrades

    FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP – A contract has been awarded by the Township Committee for upgrades to pump stations in Freehold Township. During a recent meeting, committee members awarded a $216,961 contract to Rapid Pump & Meter Services Co., Inc., Paterson, for various pump station upgrades. The firm, whose contract consisted of a base bid of $154,078…

  • Freehold Township officials authorize shared services agreements

    Freehold Township officials authorize shared services agreements

    FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP – The Township Committee has entered into shared services agreements with nearby municipalities. With Freehold Borough, Freehold Township will provide information technology services, licensed treatment plant operational services for Freehold Borough’s water and sewer utilities, health services, substance abuse prevention and counseling services, automotive services, emergency vehicle refueling, Schibanoff Road commuter parking lot…

  • Freehold Township will acquire preservation easement on Route 33 tract

    Freehold Township will acquire preservation easement on Route 33 tract

    FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP – Municipal officials have adopted an ordinance that authorizes the purchase of an easement at 853 Route 33 (near Crow Hill Road), Freehold Township. The property is owned by Gibson Farms. Officials said the easement has been deemed useful for agricultural conservation and/or open space. The township’s action will preclude the property from…

  • Residents press Freehold Township to keep fighting proposed cell tower

    Residents press Freehold Township to keep fighting proposed cell tower

    FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP – A petition for certification from the Freehold Township Planning Board which asks the state Supreme Court to review litigation regarding a proposed cellular communications tower is pending after the New Jersey Superior Court Appellate Division ruled T-Mobile could construct the tower. Municipal officials stated during a Nov. 26 Township Committee meeting that…

  • Freehold Township officials plan improvements on Iron Bridge Road

    Freehold Township officials plan improvements on Iron Bridge Road

    FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP – A contract has been awarded by the Township Committee for a pavement overlay program and work on an local road. On Oct. 15, committee members awarded a $996,750 contract to Meco Inc. for the 2019 fall pavement overlay program and the first phase of work on Iron Bridge Road. Meco Inc., which…

  • Freehold Township officials pursue easement on Route 33 property

    Freehold Township officials pursue easement on Route 33 property

    FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP – Municipal officials in Freehold Township are taking action to purchase an easement of more than 54 acres on Route 33 as farmland/open space at a cost of $2.9 million that may be shared among several entities. During a recent meeting, the Township Committee introduced an ordinance that will, if adopted, authorize the…

  • Fasano wins first term on Township Committee in Freehold Township

    Fasano wins first term on Township Committee in Freehold Township

    FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP – Republican Maureen Fasano won a three-year term on the Township Committee in the Nov. 5 election. According to results posted online by the Monmouth County Clerk’s Office, Fasano, who was seeking her first term on the governing body, received 4,827 votes on Election Day to defeat Democrat Scott Berlin, another first-time candidate.…

  • T-Mobile prevails in long-standing legal action vs. Freehold Township

    T-Mobile prevails in long-standing legal action vs. Freehold Township

    FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP – T-Mobile’s proposed construction of a cellular communications tower at 169 Robertsville Road, Freehold Township, may proceed after the New Jersey Superior Court Appellate Division ruled in the company’s favor over Freehold Township officials who denied the issuance of construction permits for the tower. A decision in favor of T-Mobile was made in…

  • Freehold Township receives AAA bond rating from Moody’s

    Freehold Township receives AAA bond rating from Moody’s

    FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP – The highest possible rating for bond credit has been obtained by Freehold Township. Municipal officials announced that Freehold Township was assigned a bond rating of AAA from the bond rating agency Moody’s, which indicates the township’s bonds are the safest investments and of the highest quality. Moody’s also designated Freehold Township with…