Tag: Health Matters

  • HEALTH MATTERS 11/12: Recognizing Risks and Warning Signs Can Help Prevent Suicide

    HEALTH MATTERS 11/12: Recognizing Risks and Warning Signs Can Help Prevent Suicide

    By Arshad Siddiqui, MD Millions of Americans have serious thoughts of suicide each year, and while suicide rates fell by nearly 6 percent in 2020, more than 44,000 people took their own lives, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Generally, when people contemplate suicide, it is because they feel hopeless and…

  • Health Matters 11/5: Talk to Your Doctor About Osteoporosis Risk

    Health Matters 11/5: Talk to Your Doctor About Osteoporosis Risk

        By Anupa Sharma, DO   If you are age 50 or older, you could be at risk for breaking a bone and not even know it.   That’s because osteoporosis, a condition that makes a person’s bones weak and more likely to break, is typically a silent disease with few symptoms – until…

  • Health Matters 10/29: Don’t Ignore Warning Signs of Gynecological Cancer

    Health Matters 10/29: Don’t Ignore Warning Signs of Gynecological Cancer

    By Noah Goldman, MD    Each year, more than 100,000 women in the United States are diagnosed with a gynecologic cancer, according to the American Cancer Society. And with few screening tests available, it is important for women to recognize the warning signs and see their doctor when something doesn’t feel right. When detected early,…

  • Health Matters 10/22: Get Back on Track with Regular Mammograms

    Health Matters 10/22: Get Back on Track with Regular Mammograms

    By Rachel P. Dultz, MD, FACS Did the COVID-19 pandemic cause you to miss your regular screening mammogram? If so, now is the time to get back on track. Mammograms can detect cancer in its early stages when it is small and has not spread, making it easier to treat. In fact, regular mammography screening…

  • Planning Your Life Around the Bathroom? Treatment for Urinary Incontinence Available

    Planning Your Life Around the Bathroom? Treatment for Urinary Incontinence Available

    By Heather M. van Raalte, MD Enjoying everyday life can be challenging when your activities must be planned around frequent visits to the bathroom, or you experience urinary leakage or other bladder-related problems. While an estimated 25 million people in the United States experience bladder leakage every day, according to the National Association for Continence,…

  • Health Matters 10/8: Chickenpox Increases Risk for Shingles

    Health Matters 10/8: Chickenpox Increases Risk for Shingles

    By Puja Chabra, MD Nearly 1 out of every 3 people in the United States will develop shingles — a painful rash related to the chickenpox virus — during their lifetime, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). While older adults are generally at greater risk for developing shingles, the CDC reports…

  • Health Matters 10/1: Helping Men Cope with Stress

    Health Matters 10/1: Helping Men Cope with Stress

    By Erin Webb, LAC From health and financial concerns to changes in how people live their everyday lives, the past 18 months since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic have been fraught with uncertainty. And while the pandemic had an effect on everyone, men in particular faced certain challenges that resulted in increased stress, anxiety,…

  • Health Matters 9/24: Therapy Can Help Treat Voice and Swallowing Disorders

    Health Matters 9/24: Therapy Can Help Treat Voice and Swallowing Disorders

    By Carly Schiff, MS, CCC-SLP Most people take swallowing and vocalizing for granted — they are simply spontaneous activities that people do hundreds of times a day without giving them a second thought. But with age, or as a result of a wide range of health conditions, the muscles used to swallow and vocalize, as…

  • Health Matters 9/17: Reclaim Your Life from Osteoarthritis

    Health Matters 9/17: Reclaim Your Life from Osteoarthritis

    By Ellen Land, APN That pain and stiffness you feel in your joints when you first get out of bed in the morning or try to stand after sitting for a period of time is most likely a sign of arthritis. So is the stiffness in your hands that makes it hard to hold your…