Tag: In the News – Mark Rosman

  • Jersey attitude, but little progress

    Jersey attitude, but little progress

    So much has been written about Gov. Chris Christie during the seven years he has served as New Jersey’s chief executive that the articles, columns and editorials will fill volumes. Much has been made of the governor’s feisty personality and his “in your face” interactions with anyone who challenges him on a variety of subjects.…

  • This town hall really is for sale

    This town hall really is for sale

    Press releases from many organizations which years ago arrived in the newsroom by mail once a day now find their way into my email inbox every couple of minutes. As I view the name of an unfamiliar sender (i.e., Prince Akeem) and/or the questionable contents of the subject line (i.e., “My grandson is in jail.…

  • Graduation day was a milestone to remember

    Graduation day was a milestone to remember

    Well, that was quick. In what seemed like an instant, I went from the day in August 2013 when I dropped off my son, Nate, at Brumbaugh Hall on the campus of Penn State University to a cold, rainy day in May 2017 when I watched him graduate from the university. I have to admit…

  • Officials must speak out when acts of hate are committed

    By Mark Rosman Staff Writer New Jersey municipalities, which have a combined population of about 516,000 Jews, continue to be a target for individuals who commit anti-Semitic acts such as spray painting swastikas on various properties. Unfortunately, in some cases the perpetrators are never caught and punished for their actions. Make no mistake about the…