Tag: John Adams Middle School

  • VFW Teacher of the Year has connections to Edison, Metuchen

    VFW Teacher of the Year has connections to Edison, Metuchen

    Todd Pagel, a history teacher at John Adams Middle School in Edison, has been named New Jersey Veteran of Foreign Wars’s Teacher of the Year. “I am extremely honored,” said Pagel, who has been a teacher for 11 years. “The VFW is an amazing organization that helps veterans throughout America. They also do an excellent…

  • John Adams seventh-grader places third in state VFW essay contest

    John Adams seventh-grader places third in state VFW essay contest

    EDISON — Mirika Jambudi, a seventh-grade student at John Adams Middle School, said she wanted to express her gratitude and thoughts towards her country for the greatest gift it has provided her — education — when she entered the VFW Patriot’s Pen youth essay contest. “Unlike many other countries, girls get equal opportunities for education…

  • Edison students, teachers walk for CARE

    Edison students, teachers walk for CARE

    EDISON — The faculty and students at John Adams Middle School in Edison showcased how much they care for their community. More than 300 students signed up and 30 teachers participated in a walk-a-thon on Nov. 8 to raise money for the non-profit Community Action Reaches Everyone (C.A.R.E.), Inc. organization. “We raised almost $1,500 dollars…

  • Edison addressing overcrowding in schools

    Edison addressing overcrowding in schools

    EDISON — Township officials are lending a helping hand to the Edison Township School District as they continue to address the severe overcrowding problem that has existed for many years and continues to get worse. Councilman Robert Diehl said that when the elementary schools in the township opened more than 50 years ago, the student…

  • Edison considers adding high school

    Edison considers adding high school

    EDISON — The “hopes and dreams” of building a third high school is a hope and dream that needs to become a reality. That is why the Edison Board of Education approved a resolution at a meeting on July 31 for LAN Associates, Midland Park, Bergen County, to perform a survey and evaluation of the…

  • Edison students recognized for videos

    Edison students recognized for videos

    BY KATHY CHANG Staff Writer EDISON — For Wali Quershi, an eighth-grader at John Adams Middle School, the more he explored the topic of criminal justice reform, the more he felt the struggle is real for so many people who find themselves in what State Senator Cory Booker (D-New Jersey) said is a “shameful reality…

  • Edison students immersed in Renaissance

    Edison students immersed in Renaissance

    BY KATHY CHANG Staff Writer EDISON — With medieval music playing in the background, the seventh-graders at John Adams Middle School traveled back in time to the Renaissance period. The three World History classes of teachers Adam Sack, John Peach and Amanda Lister came together. The students, split up in about 22 groups of two…