Tag: Letter

  • Edgar Middle School students show support for hometown hero through letters/cards

    Edgar Middle School students show support for hometown hero through letters/cards

    METUCHEN — The words on the cards say it all. “We thank you for your service and bravery,” Joseph, a student at Edgar Middle School in Metuchen, wrote. “If not for you, freedom and safety may not exist. Therefore, you are a true hero and will always be.” Joseph signed his card, “From your biggest…

  • Grateful for Grillo’s dedication, expertise, hard work

    This letter is in response to the article in the Jan. 8 issue of the Suburban regarding Borough Councilman Steven Grillo’s removal from the Sayreville Planning Board and the Sayreville Economic and Redevelopment Agency (SERA). The residents of the Morgan section of Sayreville have been watching the area around our neighborhood deteriorate for some time…

  • Make Texas Road safe for nighttime driving

    This is a copy of a letter I recently sent to Mayor Owen Henry of Old Bridge. We need your help. Texas Road is very dangerous for nighttime driving. Thick trees are on both sides of the road, and that brings more deer into the area, causing more motor-vehicle accidents, some of them fatal, during…

  • Urges creation of ‘Compassion Curriculum’ for schools

    Compassion. How important is it in life? How valuable is it? Does it have a cost, and how do you teach compassion to a child? If society promotes a “Compassion Curriculum” in public schools and in our prisons, could we prevent the tragedies of Columbine, Virginia Tech and Sandy Hook? Can we alter the pattern…

  • Angered by vote to approve gas-tax hike

    Angered by vote to approve gas-tax hike

    When I opened the newspaper this morning, I was shocked but not surprised. The losers of both parties in Trenton voted overwhelmingly to approve the 23-cent increase in our gas tax, taking us from one of the lowest in the country to the sixth highest. Based on the past performance of this state Legislature, in…

  • Grateful for police, EMS care and concern

    Grateful for police, EMS care and concern

    I wish to take this opportunity to say a very heartfelt thanks to the Spotswood Police Department (SPD) and Emergency Medical Services (EMS). On Friday, Sept. 23, as I was receiving physical therapy for a recent knee procedure, my hip dislocated. The therapist immediately called 911 and my husband, and within minutes the EMS squad…

  • Thinks too many of his tax dollars go to schools

    Just received my 2016-17 preliminary tax bill from East Brunswick. As usual, I’m being extorted 68 percent of my total bill to support the school cartel. I haven’t used the school system in more than 20 years. Oh, Blue Ribbon Schools keep my property values high. Baloney. Property values fluctuate according to the ebb and…

  • Town should fix roads, not tennis courts

    I find it to be poor decision-making to repair tennis courts that are used by a small number of people instead of repairing our roadways in town, which are used by all residents of East Brunswick. Repairing roadways certainly would have had a better bang for the buck for the residents of East Brunswick.  …

  • Irked by proposed school budget

    Irked by proposed school budget

    What a surprise. Property taxes will rise again in East Brunswick to support the school system. Instead of having teachers, administrators and public-school employees pay more for their health benefits, the business administrator blames the charter school. Let’s see. My family has been paying property taxes in East Brunswick for more than 85 years. How…