Tag: Letters to the Editor

  • President Biden has many accomplishments in office

    President Biden has many accomplishments in office

    Thank goodness Joe Biden has been at the helm during this terribly difficult time since he became our president. Despite some bad press, he inherited a broken economy with the daily death toll from the global pandemic at an all-time high. Here are just a few examples of what he has done for our country…

  • Modern techniques needed to preserve park

    Modern techniques needed to preserve park

    Topanemus Park in Freehold Township is an Audubon and Cornell University bird reporting hotspot. The joint commission and ordinance state that the park is to be maintained for the benefit of Freehold Township and Freehold Borough residents. We have so little preserved land left in our immediate area. Ballfields and lawns are not natural habitat.…

  • Comment at Manalapan-Englishtown school board meeting was appalling

    Comment at Manalapan-Englishtown school board meeting was appalling

    Since last spring, talk of masks, vaccines and mandates has dominated Manalapan-Englishtown Regional School District Board Eduction meetings. Once calm, education-centered proceedings have become extremely contentious as angry parents aggressively express opinions and demand changes the board does not have the authority to make. The board members should be commended for their patience and efforts…

  • Resident offers ‘modest proposal’ for death penalty

    Resident offers ‘modest proposal’ for death penalty

    Several years ago, I wrote a letter concerning the unreliability some states were experiencing using lethal injections to carry out the death penalty. To resolve the problem, I thoughtfully suggested those states might want to consider bringing “Old Sparky” out of retirement. Better yet, I said, “Reviving the use of the firing squad or public…

  • Essential workers deserve COVID relief funds

    Essential workers deserve COVID relief funds

    New Jersey residents received more than $10 billion in stimulus COVID relief payments, in three installments. Unfortunately, some essential workers did not have the luxury of working from home or collecting a stimulus check. Many of these essential workers are undocumented and have lived in New Jersey for decades. Many of these workers became ill…

  • Arnone anticipates busy year in Monmouth County

    Arnone anticipates busy year in Monmouth County

    Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a great holiday season spent with friends and family members. As we get deeper into the winter months, I want to assure our residents the Monmouth County Department of Public Works and Engineering has been preparing for inclement weather for months and is ready to serve at a…

  • Manalapan officials need to fix garbage situation

    Manalapan officials need to fix garbage situation

    As you may recall, for just $33 per household per year, Manalapan could have maintained two trash pickups and one recycling day each week for 14,000 households. But the Township Committee decided we would rather keep our $33 than have our trash collected and cut services by half. The township arranged for individual households to…

  • Resident questions Manalapan garbage arrangement

    Resident questions Manalapan garbage arrangement

    Now that we are drowning in a sea of garbage due to the disastrous decision of the Manalapan Township Committee, are Mayor Jack McNaboe, captain of the good ship Manalapan, and his crew of Township Committee members planning to abandon ship? Will they soon be declaring “every man for himself” when it comes to garbage…

  • Consider Einstein’s view about miracles

    Consider Einstein’s view about miracles

    With all the depressing news stories lately, I thought I would pass on a story I recently read about that might provide a temporary distraction from all the bad news. How often do we hear someone say “It’s a miracle!” There certainly isn’t any shortage of accounts when it comes to the miraculous. This miraculous…