Tag: Lifestyle

  • Loose Ends: Memorial Day – The Spirit of Princeton, the spirit of America

    Loose Ends: Memorial Day – The Spirit of Princeton, the spirit of America

    By Pam Hersh   The 17th century English poet, scholar and cleric John Donne said in a sermon that because we are all part of mankind, any person’s death is a loss to all of us: “Any man’s death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind; and therefore never send to know for whom…

  • LOOSE ENDS 5/28: Class Day

    LOOSE ENDS 5/28: Class Day

    By Pam Hersh My favorite Princeton University graduation event is neither the commencement nor the baccalaureate ceremony, but rather a celebration that is a bit more obscure – and in a class all by itself. It is Class Day, which features no pomp and circumstance, just a lot of soul. A tradition that dates to…

  • LOOSE ENDS 5/14: Community Police Initiative

    LOOSE ENDS 5/14: Community Police Initiative

    By Pam Hersh The bulletin board in Small World Coffee on Witherspoon Street is actually an art exhibit of index cards. The theme of the pop art is: What Have You Learned to Appreciate Because of COVID? The responses include sentiments we all have felt this year: hugs, kisses, grandma and grandpa, siblings, streaming services,…

  • Loose Ends: Andrea Goldsmith

    Loose Ends: Andrea Goldsmith

    By Pam Hersh Andrea Goldsmith’s resume is intimidating – so much so that I almost persuaded myself to tune out rather than tune into a Princeton University Center for Jewish Life virtual lecture that featured her as a speaker. Just like I try to exercise my body on a regular basis, I also try to…

  • LOOSE ENDS 4/23: Arts Council of Princeton Artistic Director Maria Evans

    LOOSE ENDS 4/23: Arts Council of Princeton Artistic Director Maria Evans

    By Pam Hersh Like a good neighbor, the Arts Council of Princeton is there – to re-phrase a certain insurance company slogan. During these past 13 months, the Arts Council of Princeton (ACP), located only a block from my apartment, has been a great neighbor to me – and to thousands of others – by…

  • LOOSE ENDS 4/16: Bob Bruschi

    LOOSE ENDS 4/16: Bob Bruschi

    By Pam Hersh Bob is back, not for long, but just long enough for Princeton to benefit from his wise and wry words, as well as his laser-focused ability to get things done by cutting through cliché-filled speeches and cutting down on daily Zoom meetings. Serving as acting administrator for Princeton is Bob Bruschi, who…

  • LOOSE ENDS 4/9: Phyllis Marchand

    LOOSE ENDS 4/9: Phyllis Marchand

    By Pam Hersh “Breaking News” said the news alert that popped up on my phone. “Baseball’s Opening Day matchup between the Washington Nationals and the New York Mets on Thursday (April 1, 2021) was postponed because of COVID-19 concerns.” I swiped my phone to send a message to someone who possibly ranks as Princeton New…

  • LOOSE ENDS 4/2: James G. Demetriades, CEO and president of Penn Medicine Princeton Health

    LOOSE ENDS 4/2: James G. Demetriades, CEO and president of Penn Medicine Princeton Health

    By Pam Hersh I tried to channel Oprah Winfrey interviewing Prince Harry and Meghan Markle when I spoke with James G. Demetriades, the new CEO and president of Penn Medicine Princeton Health. Like Oprah, who had a personal relationship with the couple she was interviewing, I was friendly with the interviewee because I worked with…

  • LOOSE ENDS 3/26: Climate Initiative

    LOOSE ENDS 3/26: Climate Initiative

    By Pam Hersh Friday, March 19, the windy day before the arrival of spring, blew me away when I had the good fortune to bump into a climate strike in Princeton’s Hinds Plaza. Late in the afternoon, I found myself in the midst of a dozen masked young people, chanting “Our Planet/Our future, Our Water/Our…