Tag: Local 825 operating engineers

  • NESE has economic, environmental, energy benefits

    NESE has economic, environmental, energy benefits

    As business manager of the Operating Engineers Local 825, I represent the interests of nearly 7,000 highly trained heavy equipment operators. We have been building the energy infrastructure in this region for over 75 years and have the skills and expertise to safely and efficiently construct pipelines through areas that are both densely populated and…

  • Northeast supply line is necessary for energy, economy

    Northeast supply line is necessary for energy, economy

    The Engineers Labor-Employer Cooperative (ELEC) represents nearly 7,000 Local 825 operating engineers and the signatory contractors who employ them. ELEC focuses on promoting economic development, construction projects and investments in infrastructure.  The proposed Northeast Supply Enhancement (NESE) is a perfect example of the type of infrastructure investments that are so important to ELEC. NESE has…