Tag: Lori Clich column

  • This moment was years in the making – and inevitable

    This moment was years in the making – and inevitable

    By Lori Clinch Way back in the day, when my good friend, Julie, and I dropped our youngest children off at kindergarten, I looked at her and said, “Do you know what that was?” “You bet I do,” she responded without missing a beat. “That was our last.” Our lives would be forever changed and…

  • If all else fails, you can blame Mom

    If all else fails, you can blame Mom

    By Lori Clinch Everyone knows that raising a family is not cheap. Even with hand-me-downs, clothing is expensive. New sneakers will put you in the poor house and health insurance costs more than the monthly mortgage. If a person took the time to tally what it takes to feed four hungry mouths, along with an…