Tag: Lori Clinch

  • How much can a small taste of jalapeno dip really hurt?

    How much can a small taste of jalapeno dip really hurt?

    Thankfully enough, according to the calendar, winter has ended and spring is upon us. Spring brings with it summer fashions, stylish ensembles and the ever-famous changing out of the closet. I am pondering it all as I write and I am nibbling on a meal replacement bar and washing it down with a plethora of…

  • Devices were a game-changer

    Devices were a game-changer

    With the youngest of our four sons embarking upon the final quarter of his high school career, I can’t help but reflect on my child rearing years. I have doctored skinned knees, jammed thumbs and stubbed toes. I lived through Barney, Power Rangers, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and sacrificed our bath towels for Batman capes…

  • Where did I put those memory pills?

    Where did I put those memory pills?

    I have heard that the multi-tasking our generation does is causing our lack of attention to detail. I suppose I could see how talking on the phone while paying bills and trying to get the dog to sit while pondering taxes might cause one to forget what she’s doing. This same chain of events might…

  • And try not to look like a noob!

    And try not to look like a noob!

    Watching our four sons play sports has been one of the biggest thrills of my life, even if I don’t know what’s going on most of the time. I stand when I’m supposed to, whoop it up at the appropriate times, and occasionally even know who fouled whom and why. Yet, the hardest part about…

  • Sadie is a perfectly precious puppy … until she isn’t

    Sadie is a perfectly precious puppy … until she isn’t

    Raising a puppy is like raising kids. You start out stern, large and in charge. You convince yourself that you will be the boss, you will handle the situation and no matter how much the little dear tries your patience, you will maintain the upper hand. Or so you tell yourself. When our first son,…

  • Pranksters like to put mom in the hot seat

    Pranksters like to put mom in the hot seat

    Our four sons have numerous ways to entertain themselves. They have ESPN, basketball games on the driveway and when all else fails, they like to wrestle each other down to the ground for no apparent reason. However, their favorite form of entertainment comes from picking on yours truly. They like to mess up my hair,…

  • Sons want their parents to show them ‘love’

    Sons want their parents to show them ‘love’

    ARE WE THERE YET Lori Clinch Christmas shopping. It simply isn’t what it used to be. Back in the day I could “wow” our four young sons with anything from Nike socks to the Batmobile and everything in between. They were thrilled at the pile of presents on Christmas morning. They would wake up at…