Tag: Lori Clinch column

  • Cold weather, taxes, and a visit from an unwelcome guest

    Cold weather, taxes, and a visit from an unwelcome guest

    January is not a nice month. He is a selfish old man who is cold, frigid and all about himself. He wants the lovely Christmas memories boxed up along with any trace of my jovial mood. He also wants any hope for summer days eradicated and worse yet, he brings along one of his nasty…

  • Living in an empty nest has its advantages

    Living in an empty nest has its advantages

    Although I don’t mind shopping, I loathe the task when it involves groceries. There is simply nothing fun about picking out green beans, pondering paper towels or getting a door-buster on cream cheese. I am not alone in this aversion. I know this because I see it on the face of my fellow shoppers every…

  • This is no Safari you would want to be on

    This is no Safari you would want to be on

    By Lori Clinch Well, it’s January and you know what that means … It means don the wool stockings and chain your portly, “I ate too much over the holidays,” self to the desk. Or you could simply grab your Sherpa coat and go out and put your head in the snow. It’s awful. All…

  • Love for family takes back seat to a breakfast burrito

    Love for family takes back seat to a breakfast burrito

    By Lori Clinch We did not raise our four sons to be selfish, but we did raise them to be independent. These days they can do their own laundry, pay their own bills and, if need be, bring home their chicken and fry it up in a pan. Yet, there is a fine line between…

  • Next time your memory fails, try punching in an ‘8’

    Next time your memory fails, try punching in an ‘8’

    By Lori Clinch I am truly not one to suffer in silence. Although there are some who will state otherwise, I do this so those who suffer from the same afflictions can feel normal. It’s a sacrifice, I know, but we must all sacrifice for humanity. My affliction is this: I have a less than…

  • He’s off the Secret Santa hook

    He’s off the Secret Santa hook

    By Lori Clinch Oh, how quickly the holidays have crept up on us. I suppose I should have realized they were fast approaching the instant I received the first Christmas catalog. Of course it was mid-July at the time, so I tossed the catalog in my “things to read” pile and headed out to do…

  • The answer to mom’s problem is in the Cloud

    The answer to mom’s problem is in the Cloud

    By Lori Clinch There are all sorts of things to worry about in the world today. We have world peace to consider, global warming to ponder and certainly we must muse the thought of whether or not Putin helped Trump get elected. Points to consider for sure and certainly topics for dinnertime discussion, if you…

  • A broom, a tree – it just never ends

    A broom, a tree – it just never ends

    By Lori Clinch My dearly beloved spouse is nothing if not frugal. He likes to pinch his pennies, count his coins and save for a rainy day. The idea of doling out dollars for unnecessary items makes the poor dear shake in his overused work boots. Therefore a trip to the supercenter is just about…

  • Four sons and a ton of memories

    Four sons and a ton of memories

    By Lori Clinch I love our four sons with all of my heart. I love spending time with them, listening to them banter and intensely debating things I don’t understand, like algorithmic design and whether or not the Raiders’ defense is enough to take them deep into the post-season. What I don’t love about the…