Tag: Lori Clinch column

  • Sons are the perfect eating machines

    Sons are the perfect eating machines

    By Lori Clinch If there is one thing I have learned from our four sons, it is the amount of food it takes to keep them going. In one sitting they can put away a pound of meat (each), a plethora of vegetables, they are all about pasta and potatoes, and “Whoa! Is that garlic bread?!”…

  • Parting is such sweet … Oh, forget it!

    Parting is such sweet … Oh, forget it!

    By Lori Clinch Although I’m not one to brag, I believe there is not much about me that makes my husband crazy. Surely it isn’t because he’s not one to voice his opinion on such matters and he tends to let the little things go. I’m quite certain my Pat does not love my “catch-all”…

  • ‘Mom isn’t sick. She’s faking it!’

    ‘Mom isn’t sick. She’s faking it!’

    By Lori Clinch Back in the day when our sons were young and they were sick, I did my level best to nurse them back to health. I canceled appointments, rearranged my schedule and stood guard as I tended to their every need. “Get some rest,” I would tell them as I kissed their brow,…

  • ‘All you have to do’ is code for ‘You don’t want to know’

    ‘All you have to do’ is code for ‘You don’t want to know’

    By Lori Clinch If there is one thing I have learned in life, it is this — the more you know, the more you have to do. Take paperwork as an example. When we first were married, my handsome husband asked if I knew how to fill out tax form 941. I told him I…

  • Say the secret password

    Say the secret password

    By Lori Clinch Although I would not say that I love technology, I will say it certainly comes in handy. I have a deep appreciation for my smartphone as it keeps me from looking stupid. It reminds me to take out the trash on the first and third Wednesdays of the month, keeps track of…

  • The stranger beside me

    The stranger beside me

    By Lori Clinch Although my beloved spouse, Pat, is a pretty easygoing guy, he does have a few guidelines that he adheres to. First of all, as far as Pat is concerned, sleeping past 6 a.m. is a waste of time.  Being a woman who loves to sleep in, this has been a bone of…

  • The great thank you card mystery

    The great thank you card mystery

    By Lori Clinch Back in the day, one could easily find people’s phone numbers. We simply went to the phone book, rifled through the pages until we found the proper city, then searched for the proper name and voila! We found the information. The address was always there, too, so we could easily make our…

  • A cell phone keeps the romance alive in this household

    A cell phone keeps the romance alive in this household

    By Lori Clinch I wouldn’t exactly say I am addicted to my cell phone, but I do feel the incessant need to keep it handy. I often check my pocket to make sure it’s there and if I see it’s low on battery life, I all but break out into a cold sweat. I mean,…

  • Directions are easy – if you know where you are going

    Directions are easy – if you know where you are going

    By Lori Clinch One of the best things about having an antique shop is going out and buying the antiques. You just never know what treasures you will find when someone invites you to their home or barns. One thing I have learned is that there are a lot of wonderful people in this world. …