Tag: Metuchen Historic Preservation Committee
Metuchen Planning Board approves Historic Preservation Plan element to Master Plan
METUCHEN – With a Historic Preservation Plan element in the borough’s masterplan, it could very well prevent what happened to the historic Hester Poole house on Rose Street last year. “Everyone agreed it was a historic home,” said Robert Renaud, attorney for the Metuchen Planning Board. “Also, everyone agreed it had gotten to the point…
Former Nathan Robins home, built in 1896, saved with a bit of luck
METUCHEN – Among the remnants of Dr. Peter Freis’ pediatric office from the 1970s and previous tenants as recent as last April is the interior historic beauty of what was once a single family dwelling built by Nathan Robins in 1896. Robins had lived in the home with his wife and family. His two daughters…
Metuchen receives state grant to help create historic preservation ordinance
METUCHEN – With more than 100 historic homes demolished in a five-year period from 2013-18, and the risk of losing older neighborhoods, the borough is in the process of hiring a consultant to ensure historic significance is considered in planning decisions of older homes. Borough Administrator Melissa Perilstein said at a Borough Council meeting on…
Three new homes will replace historic Hester Poole house in Metuchen
METUCHEN – It came down to team trees or team sidewalk as the Planning Board considered the application for 101 Rose St. in Metuchen. The decision left borough Planner Chris Cosenza struggling to find a balance. Board members were also struggling to come to a consensus on whether or not to approve the application to…
Homeowners of Mary Wilkins Freeman home instrumental in preserving her literary legacy
METUCHEN – Little did they know when they moved into their new home on Lake Avenue in Metuchen in 2003, Robert and Rebeccah Seely would spend the following 16 years essentially living and breathing Mary Wilkins Freeman. Freeman at the turn of the century lived in the home and was one of the top two…
Capital projects will help Metuchen Public Library keep pace with evolving borough
METUCHEN – The goal of the Metuchen Public Library is “to keep pace with the vibrant, evolving and amazing” community the brainy borough has become. The 2018 statistics are telling – 120,049 visitors, 117,359 items circulated, 6,876 library card holders, 1,074 library and community programs, and 14,754 total program attendance – the library is a…
Metuchen officials discuss need for historical preservation ordinance
METUCHEN — Borough officials are in the discussion phase of creating an historical preservation ordinance in an effort to provide a level of control for preserving historic homes in Metuchen. Discussions by municipal officials regarding such an ordinance date to the late 1980s, but no ordinance was ever adopted. “An historical preservation ordinance would provide…
The recent demolition of two 19th century homes in Metuchen has raised concerns
METUCHEN — The recent demolitions of two 19th century homes on High Street have raised concerns of the members of the Metuchen Historic Preservation Committee. The committee is concerned about the potential loss of a third historic home in the area. “I know this is happening in various places around the town, but our focus…