Tag: Monmouth County

  • Audubon’s April agenda features education, participation

    Audubon’s April agenda features education, participation

    By Christine Barcia Staff Writer Spring is not only the time of year for changing clocks, planting flowers and cleaning out the house, it is also the time of year for Monmouth County residents to embrace bird watching. “It is astounding how many different species of birds co-exist with us here in Monmouth County,” said…

  • CASA program seeks volunteers

    CASA program seeks volunteers

    The Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) program of Monmouth County is seeking adults, 21 years and older, to act as advocates for children who have been removed from their homes because they have been abused and neglected. A CASA volunteer is a trained citizen who is appointed by a judge to represent the best interests of a…

  • Historical commission awards grants

    Historical commission awards grants

    The Monmouth County Historical Commission recently awarded preservation grants totaling $60,422 for 17 restoration projects, according to a press release. Local grant recipients are: Allentown Public Library Association, rear shed roof replacement, $1,988; First Baptist Church, Freehold, exterior painting, $4,160; Friends of Millstone Historic Properties, Baird House, south slate roof replacement, $6,240; Friends of Monmouth…

  • Monmouth County budget shows drop in taxes

    Monmouth County budget shows drop in taxes

    The Monmouth County 2016 proposed budget reflects cuts in spending and in taxes. As introduced by the Board of Freeholders in February, the county’s budget has decreased from $488 million in 2015 to $469.85 million in 2016 – a decrease in spending of $18.1 million. The county will collect $302.47 million in taxes from residential…

  • Monmouth County moves medical examiner’s operations to Middlesex County

    Monmouth County moves medical examiner’s operations to Middlesex County

    As part of an ongoing effort to streamline operations and share services, the Monmouth County Board of Freeholders will merge its medical examiner’s office with Middlesex County’s medical examiner’s office effective April 1, according to a press release from Monmouth County. “State statute permits the regionalization of medical examiners offices, so we are taking advantage…

  • Volunteers aid domestic violence victims

    Volunteers aid domestic violence victims

    180 Turning Lives Around (180), a private nonprofit organization in Monmouth County, continues to provide support and advocacy to victims of domestic violence with the assistance of its dedicated response team volunteers, according to a press release. 180 will be conducting a 40-hour mandatory training course for new Domestic Violence Response Team (DVRT) volunteers from…

  • Monmouth GOP incumbents to seek re-election

    Monmouth GOP incumbents to seek re-election

    Monmouth County’s incumbent Republican elected officials have announced they will seek re-election this year. According to a press release, Sheriff Shaun Golden, Surrogate Rosemarie Peters, and freeholders Tom Arnone and Serena DiMaso announced they will seek the Republican nomination for the 2016 general election. “We don’t need to make Monmouth County great again,” Golden said…

  • Middlesex County to assume Monmouth County Medical Examiner operations

    Middlesex County to assume Monmouth County Medical Examiner operations

    The Middlesex County Board of Chosen Freeholders voted Feb. 18 to establish a shared services agreement with Monmouth County to regionalize all Medical Examiner operations, utilizing Middlesex County’s state-of-the-art facility. As part of the agreement, Monmouth County will pay Middlesex County $1.4 million annually — or $14 million over the life of the agreement —  to…

  • Library employee helps programs succeed

    Library employee helps programs succeed

    I just read the article about the positive changes in our Monmouth County Library System and would like to add one more commendation that my wife and I would like to offer and that is to Joan Moss. We have been attending many activities that the main branch in Manalapan has been offering for a…