Tag: municipal government

  • Republicans Richmond, Russo, Walsh seek council seats in Howell

    Republicans Richmond, Russo, Walsh seek council seats in Howell

    HOWELL – Six residents are running for three four-year terms on the Howell Township Council in the Nov. 6 election. Republican council members Robert Nicastro and Pauline Smith are not seeking re-election. The candidates are Republicans Bob Walsh, Pamela J. Richmond and Thomas Russo, and Democrats John Bonevich, Kristal Dias and Paul Dorato. See a…

  • Engineer expresses concern about slow progress on treatment plant design

    Engineer expresses concern about slow progress on treatment plant design

    ALLENTOWN – The design of a new waste water treatment plant is about 35 percent complete, according to the engineer who is designing the new infrastructure for Allentown. However, a Sept. 28, 2018, memorandum from Borough Engineer Carmela Roberts to Borough Council President Thomas Fritts states that work on the design has slowed. During an…

  • Democrats Bonevich, Dias and Dorato bid for Howell council seats

    Democrats Bonevich, Dias and Dorato bid for Howell council seats

    HOWELL – Six residents are running for three four-year terms on the Howell Township Council in the Nov. 6 election. The winners will serve from January 2019 through December 2022. Republican council members Robert Nicastro and Pauline Smith are not seeking re-election. The candidates are Democrats John Bonevich, Kristal Dias and Paul Dorato, and Republicans…

  • Alexander, Faber run unopposed for re-election in Upper Freehold Township

    Alexander, Faber run unopposed for re-election in Upper Freehold Township

    UPPER FREEHOLD – Two Republicans are running unopposed for a pair of three-year terms on the Township Committee in Upper Freehold Township. Election Day is Nov. 6. The terms of Republicans Stephen Alexander and Robert Faber will end on Dec. 31. No Democrats or third party candidates filed to run or were nominated to run…

  • Agnihotri, Mistretta bid to give Democrats a voice in local government

    Agnihotri, Mistretta bid to give Democrats a voice in local government

    FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP – Two Democrats and two Republicans are seeking a pair of three-year terms on the Township Committee in Freehold Township this year. Voters will head to the polls on Nov. 6. Democrats Jenan Agnihotri and Jennie Jeanette Mistretta are seeking the seats that are currently held by Republicans Anthony Ammiano and Thomas Cook.…

  • Princeton officials ready to raise parking rates, tighten regulations

    Metered parking on most streets in Princeton will cost extra and be enforced by additional staff working seven days a week, as officials also limits how often motorists can park on the same block during the day. The timing of those and other changes come as the municipality phases in new high-tech meters that give…

  • Cranbury candidates running low-key race for Township Committee

    Cranbury candidates running low-key race for Township Committee

    As Election Day approaches, chances are most Cranbury residents might have seen a Michael J. Ferrante lawn sign, shaken Jay Taylor’s hand or spoken to Wayne Wittman from their front porch. In a small town like Cranbury, campaigning for Township Committee is viewed less about who has the biggest war chest to outspend the opposition…

  • Princeton gearing up for improvements on Bank Street, Nassau Street

    Princeton officials plan to reconstruct Bank Street next summer, in a project that also will see the first phase of renovating historic Nassau Street. The Bank Street portion of the job, calling for installing a new street, sidewalk and sanitary sewer system and making other improvements, is estimated to take about four months to complete,…

  • Howell zoners grant variance for building with retail, office and warehouse uses

    Howell zoners grant variance for building with retail, office and warehouse uses

    HOWELL – The Howell Zoning Board of Adjustment has granted a use variance to Sea Free Plaza LLC, which plans to construct an office, warehouse and commercial building at the intersection of Okerson Road and Route 33. The property is in a Special Economic Development (SED) zone and the applicant needed a use variance because…