Vendors sought for Raider Family Fun Day in October
Rescues, shelters, food trucks, local businesses, cartoonists, balloonist crafters, animal products, handmade and homemade artists and vendors of all kinds are wanted for Raider Family Fun Day, to be held 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Oct. 14 at North Brunswick Township High School, 98 Raider Road, North Brunswick. Hosted by the Class of 2021. For…
Golf outing to support NBTHS Touchdown Club
The North Brunswick Township High School (NBTHS) Touchdown Club will hold its annual golf outing on July 26 at Tamarack Golf Course, 97 Hardenburg Lane, East Brunswick. Arrive at 7 a.m. to sign in and enjoy complimentary continental breakfast. Shotgun start at 8 a.m. Best Ball format. Scoring will be recorded by each team or…
North Brunswick ‘pops’ with color during student art show
NORTH BRUNSWICK – Upon first observation, it seemed as if a toy vending machine was located in the middle of the Media Resource Room at North Brunswick Township High School (NBTHS). When taking a closer look, an Art Pop dispenser was discovered: a collection of original student-made buttons that can purchased for 50 cents a…
Volunteers replace flags at veterans’ gravesites in North Brunswick
PHOTO COURTESY OF SHERAL ROSSMANN The Woman’s Club of North Brunswick and students from North Brunswick Township High School Model UN Club participated in a pre-Memorial Day activity by replacing tattered American flags at the gravesites of veterans at Elmwood Cemetery in North Brunswick on May 19. Through their volunteer efforts, more than 400 flags…
Car wash to benefit graduation seniors of North Brunswick Township High School
The North Brunswick Township High School Parent Soccer Association will hold a car wash from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Sept. 17 in the parking lot of the North Brunswick Municipal Building, 710 Hermann Road, North Brunswick. The cost is $10 per car. All proceeds go to the Graduation Seniors Scholarship Fund.
Committee to preserve history of World War I formed in North Brunswick
NORTH BRUNSWICK – A local committee has been formed to preserve the history of the Great War. The North Brunswick World War I Centennial Commission will follow the U.S. World War I Centennial Commission to commemorate, honor and educate the public through events and educational activities. The first meeting was held on Aug. 16, where several…
World War I veterans appreciate students’ act of patriotism
I want to thank Ms. Melissa Pineiro and Ms. Meg Wright, advisors to the North Brunswick Township High School (NBTHS) Student Government Organization, for assisting the Borough of Belmar by providing a donation to offset the cost to “The Spirit of the Doughboy” monument from World War I which was vandalized in May. It was…
New student orientation set for Aug. 3 at North Brunswick Township High School
North Brunswick Township High School will hold new student orientation for all students in grades 10-12 who are enrolled in the district at 10 a.m. Aug. 3 at the school, 98 Raider Road, North Brunswick. For more information or to RSVP, call 732-289-3702.
NBTHS collecting summer reading books
North Brunswick Township High School (NBTHS) is collecting used summer reading books from past years. Dropoff will be held all day July 31 to Aug. 3, or from 10 a.m. to noon Aug. 5, in the main office of the school, 98 Raider Road. For more information or to pick up a book, call 732-289-3701.…