Tag: North Brunswick Zoning Board

  • Opinion: We will trade away too much for new Quick Chek on Route 130

    Opinion: We will trade away too much for new Quick Chek on Route 130

    We, the residents of the Cedar Woods community, want the Quick Chek zoning application to be gone so that we may resume our separate lives without the constant intrusion of zoning board meetings ad nauseam. Rather than losing interest in these proceedings, the prolonged wrangling has given me time to discern the impact of the…

  • Residents dispute traffic analysis for QuickChek property on Route 130

    Residents dispute traffic analysis for QuickChek property on Route 130

    NORTH BRUNSWICK – Although the applicant proposing a new QuickChek gas station and convenience store has provided analysis that the property’s development will not impact traffic and safety on Route 130, residents claim otherwise. Gary Dean, professional traffic engineer, Dolan & Dean Consulting Engineers, testified about the impacts of a 5,670-square-foot convenience store with 11…

  • Testimony begins for QuickChek proposed in residential area of North Brunswick

    Testimony begins for QuickChek proposed in residential area of North Brunswick

    NORTH BRUNSWICK – The first four hours of testimony regarding North Brunswick’s third QuickChek location presented basic information about a gas station and convenience store an applicant is proposing to construct in a residential zone. QuickChek is proposing a 5,670-square-foot convenience store with 11 indoor and eight outdoor seats; plus 16 fueling pumps along Route…

  • Residents don’t need gas station in their backyard

    Residents don’t need gas station in their backyard

    The Wawa on Route 27 is fine as-is. It serves the area well and there is no need for it to be torn down and rebuilt to be bigger with an eight-pump gas station. We don’t need a gas station in our backyard. There is already so much traffic there and a gas station would…

  • Zoning Board should vote ‘no’ to Wawa gas station

    Zoning Board should vote ‘no’ to Wawa gas station

    The Township of North Brunswick held three Zoning Board meetings regarding a proposed expansion of the existing Wawa at the intersection of Route 27 and Cozzens Lane which would include eight gas pumps along with a new Wawa convenience store building. These meetings were packed with residents against the proposal for various reasons, including but…

  • Reader: Wawa gas station is unnecessary in North Brunswick

    Reader: Wawa gas station is unnecessary in North Brunswick

    The proposed expansion of the Route 27 North Brunswick Wawa is a very bad idea. As a lifelong resident and business owner in North Brunswick and Somerset, I travel on Route 27 numerous times everyday, and know, firsthand, the traffic problems at the Wawa facility. The current proposal before the North Brunswick Zoning Board is…

  • Application for Wawa gas station in North Brunswick will continue in September

    Application for Wawa gas station in North Brunswick will continue in September

    By JENNIFER AMATO Staff Writer NORTH BRUNSWICK – Due to a lack of the necessary board members needed for a vote, the North Brunswick Zoning Board will continue its application hearing for a Wawa gas station in September. North Brunswick Partners LLC has spent months revising plans to demolish the existing Wawa convenience store located…

  • Revised plan for Wawa gas station will continue in June

    Revised plan for Wawa gas station will continue in June

    By JENNIFER AMATO Staff Writer NORTH BRUNSWICK – Owners of the Wawa on Route 27 presented an amended plan to add fueling stations to the property since the application was denied in October. However, North Brunswick Zoning Board members will not vote on the revisions until at least June. A plan to demolish the existing…

  • Concerns about traffic, viability cloud dream of assisted living facility in North Brunswick

    Concerns about traffic, viability cloud dream of assisted living facility in North Brunswick

    By JENNIFER AMATO Staff Writer NORTH BRUNSWICK – More testimony regarding traffic, parking and engineering is necessary before a decision can be made on an assisted living facility planned for Route 27. Graceland Gardens is the brainchild of Jeanne Selby, the current manager of the North Brunswick Senior Housing Complex at 740 Hermann Road. She and her husband…