Tag: Northeast Supply Enhancement

  • What will gas power facility mean for Old Bridge?

    What will gas power facility mean for Old Bridge?

    As the former director of Special Services in Old Bridge, I have always been concerned about environmental impacts on the health, safety and access to learning of children. As a citizen, I am motivated to do something about it. That’s why I am joining many others across Central Jersey who are concerned about a new…

  • Middlesex County Freeholders take action against pipeline plan

    Middlesex County Freeholders take action against pipeline plan

    Responding to a sustained campaign by concerned residents and environmental activists, the Middlesex County Board of Chosen Freeholders has announced that they will file a motion to intervene on a controversial gas pipeline that has drawn opposition in central Jersey. Williams Transco is proposing a new fracked gas pipeline expansion in Central  Jersey. The plan…

  • Reader ‘reeling’ about freeholders’ meeting

    Reader ‘reeling’ about freeholders’ meeting

    To all health conscious, life-loving humans, this past Thursday evening, April 20, I attended the public meeting of the Middlesex County Board of Chosen Freeholders. I’m still reeling with anger and head-spinning dizziness about the performance of our paid elected officials who were comfortably mounted in their seats, appearing to look down on the voters.…

  • Opposition group asks for ‘intervenors’ to join compressor project fight

    Opposition group asks for ‘intervenors’ to join compressor project fight

    By JENNIFER AMATO Staff Writer SOUTH BRUNSWICK — The deadline is looming for residents opposed to a natural gas compressor station to have their opinions documented. Williams Partners L.P. operates the Transco natural gas pipeline that transports natural gas from south Texas to New York City. Williams is proposing the installation of a compressor station for connection…

  • Company files official application for compressor station project

    Company files official application for compressor station project

    By JENNIFER AMATO Staff Writer SOUTH BRUNSWICK — A natural gas compressor station could be coming to the South Brunswick area despite a multitude of concerns by residents. Williams Partners L.P. has announced that its subsidiary Transco has filed its official application with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) seeking authorization for its Northeast Supply Enhancement (NESE) project,…

  • South Brunswick mayor challenges compressor station

    South Brunswick mayor challenges compressor station

    By JENNIFER AMATO Staff Writer SOUTH BRUNSWICK – Mayor Frank Gambatese expressed “disappointment” in a lack of technical details and specifics about the natural gas compressor station that will affect thousands of residents in the South Brunswick area. “We are very concerned that specific information and relevant documentation is not provided in terms of timing, nature…

  • Task force to evaluate compressor station planned near South Brunswick

    Task force to evaluate compressor station planned near South Brunswick

    By JENNIFER AMATO Staff Writer SOUTH BRUNSWICK — Township officials recently formed a task force to study all aspects of a compressor station planned in close proximity to South Brunswick. On Dec. 13, the council passed a resolution creating the Williams/Transco Compressor Station Task Force comprised of appointed officials and township residents. The task force…

  • NESE has economic, environmental, energy benefits

    NESE has economic, environmental, energy benefits

    As business manager of the Operating Engineers Local 825, I represent the interests of nearly 7,000 highly trained heavy equipment operators. We have been building the energy infrastructure in this region for over 75 years and have the skills and expertise to safely and efficiently construct pipelines through areas that are both densely populated and…

  • Northeast supply line is necessary for energy, economy

    Northeast supply line is necessary for energy, economy

    The Engineers Labor-Employer Cooperative (ELEC) represents nearly 7,000 Local 825 operating engineers and the signatory contractors who employ them. ELEC focuses on promoting economic development, construction projects and investments in infrastructure.  The proposed Northeast Supply Enhancement (NESE) is a perfect example of the type of infrastructure investments that are so important to ELEC. NESE has…