Tag: Opinion

  • SOLUTIONS 10/8: Can we save ourselves, and how?

    SOLUTIONS 10/8: Can we save ourselves, and how?

    By Huck Fairman Reports on and opinions as to how we can save ourselves from the worsening climate crisis have been increasingly appearing in the media. The PBS News Hour and the New York Times have presented recent efforts that are underway and need to be widely adopted. An environmental meeting in Italy focused on…

  • Opinion: Son expresses pride in Debbie Linthorst for Hopewell school board

    Opinion: Son expresses pride in Debbie Linthorst for Hopewell school board

    To the Editor: After seeing Katie Genovesi’s letter in support of her mother’s candidacy, I decided to write one of my own. Before I jump into the body of this, I’d also like to extend my support to Mrs. Genovesi, as I am friends with her son and have known their family since I was…

  • Opinion: Mayor shouldn’t remain silent on police-involved shooting in Hillsborough

    Opinion: Mayor shouldn’t remain silent on police-involved shooting in Hillsborough

    I would like to understand why there has been no formal statement sent out from Mayor Shawn Lipani’s office to inform the community of Hillsborough about the incident that occurred involving a township officer and a Hillsborough resident on Sept. 28 on Piedmont Path. I understand you are not able to share details, but as…

  • Opinion: Afghan refugees are carefully vetted before entering the U.S.

    Opinion: Afghan refugees are carefully vetted before entering the U.S.

      In a recent letter (Refugees will change voting demographics, Oct. 1) about the arrival in the U.S. of refugees from Afghanistan, Ira Marks expresses a pre-set political judgment that deliberately overlooks and bypasses important evidence to the contrary. We write to propose a more balanced view of the arrival of those refugees. First, there…

  • Opinion: Adult voters are free to choose their own political affiliation

    Opinion: Adult voters are free to choose their own political affiliation

    Regarding the Oct. 1 Letter to the Editor, “Refugees will change voting demographics,” “Give us you’re tired, you’re poor, you’re Democratic voters” – Oh my. Maybe we can forgive the letter writer for not having much grounding in English grammar, but his knowledge of elementary American civics is abysmal. He seems to be under the…

  • Opinion: Grassroots efforts helped stop Penn East pipeline project

    I am pleased that today I can remove the “Protect Our Land – Stop Penn East” sign that has been posted in our front yard for over seven years. In a valiant David versus Goliath-like effort, our local representatives, environmentalists, statisticians, local businesses, farmers, children and concerned citizens banded together to accomplish what they knew…

  • Opinion: Princeton’s ‘war on deer’ is ‘disappointing’

    Opinion: Princeton’s ‘war on deer’ is ‘disappointing’

    It is very disappointing that the Princeton Council has declared war on the deer population, who every year have less and less habitat to live in due to out-of-control development. Not surprisingly, this leads to increased contact with humans, often to the detriment of both. Approving culling and especially the cruel practice of bow-hunting shows…

  • Solutions 10/1: We are warming faster

    Solutions 10/1: We are warming faster

    By Huck Fairman Scientists warn, as many readers know, that if we reach a 2-Celsius degree increase in temperature globally, we may not be able to reverse it and its devastating effects. Now a report in Nature Climate Change reveals that northeastern America is among the fastest warming regions in the northern hemisphere. It has…

  • Your Turn: Staying strong for Charley as she battles pediatric cancer

    Your Turn: Staying strong for Charley as she battles pediatric cancer

    As a writer, sometimes things come to you. You don’t know why, but they do. Sometimes you are assigned to write something, write a story, and at times, a story finds you.   Baskets. We received a message regarding an ad placed on Facebook Marketplace for baskets we had for sale. The person wanted to…