Tag: Opinion

  • Trap-Neuter-Return is humane and necessary

    Trap-Neuter-Return is humane and necessary

    Three years ago, a pregnant cat came to my back deck. My beloved Yorkie was dying of cancer and this cat would just visit and sit on my deck looking into my house at my dog. He would silently stare back. They appeared to communicate silently. About 7-8 weeks later my dog was put down.…

  • Opinion: Thanks to the Princetonian Diner for helping after storm

    Opinion: Thanks to the Princetonian Diner for helping after storm

    I want to thank the Princetonian Diner for lifting the bill for my granddaughter, husband, two children, aunt and cousin for breakfast after finding out that my granddaughter’s house was washed away by Tropical Storm Ida. As a former Princeton resident who now lives in the suburbs of Las Vegas, we used to frequent that…

  • County Corner: September 11

    County Corner: September 11

    For most of us, Sept. 11, 2001, began like any other day. We began our Tuesday by going to work or school or beginning a day running errands. Shortly before 9 a.m. on that sunny morning, we began hearing or watching news reports of a plane that crashed into one of the World Trade Center…

  • Opinion: The Democratic Party is dying

    Opinion: The Democratic Party is dying

      This latest fiasco in Afghanistan is another example of the lying, cheating, treasonous and immoral actions of a dying party. Abraham Lincoln was part of the Republican Party’s actions against slavery, and as a high school teacher of U.S. History, I have to say if former President Donald Trump was younger he should start…

  • SOLUTIONS: Are Adults Failing Us?

    SOLUTIONS: Are Adults Failing Us?

    By Huck Fairman The New York Times recently printed an Op-Ed piece by Greta Thunberg and colleagues from Mexico, Bangladesh and Kenya that amplified the “code red for humanity” declared by the United Nations’ secretary general. They wrote this piece because “climate change is the single greatest threat to our futures.” With this growing awareness,…

  • Solutions: An environmental ditty

    Solutions: An environmental ditty

    By Huck Fairman We live on a planet both large and small. There is so much, as we know, to it all. So much has chance and nature made to which we add what each can fashion, what we too eagerly have displayed, through our arts and imperatives of acquisition.   Yes, all our stuff…

  • Opinion: Jammin for Jaclyn Benefit had greatest year ever

    Opinion: Jammin for Jaclyn Benefit had greatest year ever

    We would like to thank all who have supported this year’s Jammin for Jaclyn Benefit Concert. Although we weren’t able to have a live in-person event this year again, we had an extremely successful livestream event and were able to raise $40,530 for our beneficiary, Brian Da Silva. This is the most we’ve raised at…

  • Opinion: At Middlesex County Fairgrounds, tater tots in a dog bowl are ‘fair’ game

    Opinion: At Middlesex County Fairgrounds, tater tots in a dog bowl are ‘fair’ game

    Coming from New York City, specifically Brooklyn, I wasn’t exactly familiar with a state or county fair. My only exposure to it is what I saw in movies or on television shows. So when I moved to Middlesex County as a child and saw the county fair for the first time, it was a bit…

  • Opinion: Hillsborough needs virtual meetings again

    Opinion: Hillsborough needs virtual meetings again

    It’s hard to find anything positive in the nightmare of COVID-19, but many folks would agree that virtual access to government meetings, at all levels, is a good thing. After all, in a participatory democracy, the more participation, the better. But that’s not the case in Hillsborough. At the May 25 Township Committee meeting, a “consent” was…