Tag: Opinion

  • Opinion: ‘Thank you’s for remembrance of Mayor Marchand ‘barely scratch the surface of gratitude’

    Opinion: ‘Thank you’s for remembrance of Mayor Marchand ‘barely scratch the surface of gratitude’

    Phyllis Marchand – our mother/wife – thrived on interacting with the people of Princeton in her roles as an elected official, as a community volunteer, and as a friend. Watching her interactions for the past five decades has taught us that you can never say “thank you” enough. The thank yous we have said in…

  • Loose Ends: Andrea Goldsmith

    Loose Ends: Andrea Goldsmith

    By Pam Hersh Andrea Goldsmith’s resume is intimidating – so much so that I almost persuaded myself to tune out rather than tune into a Princeton University Center for Jewish Life virtual lecture that featured her as a speaker. Just like I try to exercise my body on a regular basis, I also try to…

  • Opinion: COVID is not the only pandemic

    Opinion: COVID is not the only pandemic

    Massive efforts to develop new vaccines and put them in people’s arms are protecting more and more Americans from the COVID pandemic. However, many countries around the world, increasingly overwhelmed by COVID-19, simply do not have the resources to fight it, at least on their own. In fact, this is not the only pandemic they…

  • On The Road 4/23: 2021 Subaru Forester Sport

    On The Road 4/23: 2021 Subaru Forester Sport

    By Peter Perrotta If the 2021 Subaru Forester were a football player, it would most definitely be an all-purpose running back. You know, the kind of running back that could not only pick up some tough yards when needed, but could block and catch passes as well – a good all-around utilitarian player. For me…

  • SOLUTIONS 4/23: Warnings and Necessary Steps

    SOLUTIONS 4/23: Warnings and Necessary Steps

    By Huck Fairman In the last week, warnings from several sources were issued about the planet’s future. And along with them came strong recommendations for what should be done. As a necessary early step, President Joe Biden is scheduled soon to hold a virtual climate summit with world leaders. Its purpose is to reduce emissions…

  • Opinion: 2021 Reflections on Earth Day

    Opinion: 2021 Reflections on Earth Day

    ”People must feel that the natural world is important and valuable and beautiful and wonderful and an amazement and a pleasure.” – David Attenborough, steward of the Earth What a perfect time of year this is to celebrate the beauty and the importance of our life-sustaining Earth. Newly greened trees, the songs of birds, colorful…

  • LOOSE ENDS 4/23: Arts Council of Princeton Artistic Director Maria Evans

    LOOSE ENDS 4/23: Arts Council of Princeton Artistic Director Maria Evans

    By Pam Hersh Like a good neighbor, the Arts Council of Princeton is there – to re-phrase a certain insurance company slogan. During these past 13 months, the Arts Council of Princeton (ACP), located only a block from my apartment, has been a great neighbor to me – and to thousands of others – by…

  • On The Road 4/16: 2021 Mercedes GLB250 4matic SUV

    On The Road 4/16: 2021 Mercedes GLB250 4matic SUV

    By Peter Perrotta Just about 7 years ago, when I was selling Mercedes Benz automobiles, a representative from the German automakers North American headquarters gave a presentation to our sales crew on where the product lineup was heading. It was generally upbeat. But, decidedly pointed in one direction. “Smaller.” “We are going to get smaller.”…

  • Opinion: State needs to handle ‘exploding’ deer population

    Opinion: State needs to handle ‘exploding’ deer population

    New Jersey is the most urban state in the nation, yet certain areas have over 110 deer per square mile.For those of you who do not know what that means, the scientifically accepted density to sustain a healthy deer population and ecosystem, is 5-15 deer per square mile. This means that herds this large can…