Tag: Opinion

  • Opinion: Krista Weaver will lead Hopewell Borough ‘forward’

    Opinion: Krista Weaver will lead Hopewell Borough ‘forward’

    I am writing to endorse Krista Weaver for Hopewell Borough Council. I know Krista through our work together advocating for traffic safety in Hopewell. Like Krista, I am a parent of a young child. We know that choosing to walk or bike when we can leads to stronger bodies, fuller wallets, a healthier environment, and…

  • SOLUTIONS 5/6: Writing For The World

    SOLUTIONS 5/6: Writing For The World

    By Huck Fairman Margaret Renkl, opinion writer for The New York Times, and author, whose latest book is “Graceland, At Last: Notes on Hope and Heartache For the American South,” has for some time written about the health of our nation, physical, psychological and political, particularly around Nashville where she lives. In her latest column,…

  • SOLUTIONS 4/29: Green Hydrogen for Cars and Trucks

    SOLUTIONS 4/29: Green Hydrogen for Cars and Trucks

    By Huck Fairman PBS NewsHour and science correspondent Miles O’Brien recently presented an encouraging report on the development of fuel cell powered cars and trucks that are powerful, have superior range, and produce no emissions – only water. This development has stemmed in part from the research and development coming out of the National Fuel…

  • Opinion: East Windsor still needs to address email hack

    Opinion: East Windsor still needs to address email hack

    There has been specific and reckless malfeasance here in East Windsor that will affect the lives of residents and is violating our safety and security as citizens, and it is extremely serious. And this is not 1954 in Alabama, or 2010 in North Korea. This is 2022, in Central New Jersey. This is your backyard.…

  • On The Road as 2021 Mazda MX-5 RF

    On The Road as 2021 Mazda MX-5 RF

    By Peter Perrotta It’s time for a bit of spring cleaning. That means starting off with a review of a roadster cabriolet: the 2021 Mazda MX-5 RF. It also means cleaning out the old notebook and catching up with telling you about some cars I’ve driven but just haven’t had a chance to tell about…

  • Your Turn: A teacher’s lesson on the Constitution was missed by football coach

    Your Turn: A teacher’s lesson on the Constitution was missed by football coach

    As a former lawyer and high school teacher, I know it’s tempting to think that lessons on the U.S. Constitution and our nation’s founding are ancient history. But, I know firsthand just how relevant these lessons are today. Take what’s now unfolding before the U.S. Supreme Court in Kennedy v. Bremerton School District. In an…

  • SOLUTIONS 4/15: Musical Spring

    SOLUTIONS 4/15: Musical Spring

    By Huck Fairman As area residents have pushed through an often wet, cool and windy spring, many have sought relief beyond hopes for warming weather. Among the most transformative options has been a performance of The Princeton Singers, most recently at the Art on Hulfish (street) space, an alternative site while the Princeton University Art…

  • On The Road 4/8: 2022 Grand Wagoneer

    On The Road 4/8: 2022 Grand Wagoneer

    By Peter Perrotta Way back in the 1970s, one of my editors used to drive a Grand Wagoneer. It was one of the old styled models, white with faux wood paneling sides. The editor was not well liked by the young, brash reporting staff and physically, he was rather large, much like the Wagoneer. Hence,…

  • SOLUTIONS 4/8: Preserving local environments through composting

    SOLUTIONS 4/8: Preserving local environments through composting

    By Huck Fairman While warnings from the United Nations’ panel on climate change call for wide-ranging, indeed global, adoption of clean energy and environmental preservation, if we are to maintain the world as we’ve known it, there are also a number of local or individual steps people can take to save local environments. Among those…