Tag: Opinion

  • Opinion: Whose interests do Princeton policies serve?

    Opinion: Whose interests do Princeton policies serve?

    Princetonians may wonder how it came to be that the parking task force’s final proposal, announced on Dec. 6, asks taxpayers to subsidize businesses’ employee parking expenses when federal business tax subsidies and underutilized paid parking structures are already in place. Why also does it set different parking prices for homeowners whose home purchase included…

  • Opinion: Be thankful for EMTs, join Princeton first aid squad

    Opinion: Be thankful for EMTs, join Princeton first aid squad

    The holiday season is a time to reflect and acknowledge all that we have to be thankful for. I’m grateful for my fellow volunteers and the staff of the Princeton First Aid & Rescue Squad (PFARS) and the opportunity to serve alongside them as an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) rescue member in the Princeton community.…

  • Opinion: New Jersey’s single-use bag and straw ban will make a difference

    Opinion: New Jersey’s single-use bag and straw ban will make a difference

    On Nov. 4, 2020, New Jersey enacted P.L. 2020, c. 117 to place restrictions or total elimination of the distribution of plastic straws, paper or plastic single-use carryout bags, and polystyrene food service containers. Whether you’re a proponent, opponent or indifferent, you may still wonder if the law will have any real impact. Let’s take…

  • Opinion: We will trade away too much for new Quick Chek on Route 130

    Opinion: We will trade away too much for new Quick Chek on Route 130

    We, the residents of the Cedar Woods community, want the Quick Chek zoning application to be gone so that we may resume our separate lives without the constant intrusion of zoning board meetings ad nauseam. Rather than losing interest in these proceedings, the prolonged wrangling has given me time to discern the impact of the…

  • Your Turn: Carbon pricing is important in efforts to combat greenhouse gas emissions

    Your Turn: Carbon pricing is important in efforts to combat greenhouse gas emissions

    As climate change continues to loom over our world, many solutions are being explored and implemented in order to combat its life-threatening effects. However, it has been widely accepted that individual actions alone are not enough and if we really want a world safe from the “existential threat to humanity,” then our governments should ensure…

  • Opinion: Princeton community was generous with book sale donations

    Opinion: Princeton community was generous with book sale donations

    After a two-year hiatus, the Friends of the Princeton Public Library held another successful annual book sale from Nov. 12-14, and we were delighted to welcome back members of our local community and visitors from far afield. All the proceeds raised go towards the purchase of books and other media in the library collections.  …

  • Living History: Where were you when Pearl Harbor was attacked?

    Living History: Where were you when Pearl Harbor was attacked?

    By Sebastian Rizzo This Dec. 7 will mark the 80th anniversary of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor – as President Franklin D. Roosevelt so stirringly put it, “a date which will live in infamy.” Just 11 days before the bombings, Secretary of State Cordell Hull had sent the Japanese his suggestions for a peaceful…

  • Opinion: Now is the time to remove business-killing tariffs

    Opinion: Now is the time to remove business-killing tariffs

    It’s been well reported that New Jersey’s consumers and businesses continue to struggle with supply chain disruptions and historic inflation, causing job loss in many manufacturing sectors. A major culprit is the Section 232 tariffs on steel and aluminum, imposed by President Donald Trump in 2018. They continue to harm the state’s economy, negatively affecting…

  • Opinion: Government officials must make decisions in the public interest

    Opinion: Government officials must make decisions in the public interest

    I am disappointed by the action of the Municipality of Princeton, or rather its failure to act, in the matter of possible redevelopment on a portion of the Princeton Theological Seminary site. I write not as a neighbor, though I am one, but as a citizen who believes government officials should exercise the authority they…