Tag: Opinion

  • Opinion: TV news is two-dimensional news reporting

    Opinion: TV news is two-dimensional news reporting

    Television news broadcasts rarely deviate from a low standard of journalism that provides the who, what, where and how, but rarely the why. What is left out is the significance of our news events. Reporters sometimes pass along what “experts” say on the subject, but the experts are safeguarding institutional secrets and priorities at every…

  • SOLUTIONS 11/19: The Glasgow Climate Accord

    SOLUTIONS 11/19: The Glasgow Climate Accord

    By Huck Fairman Last Saturday night, the Glasgow Climate Accord was signed. Like the climate crisis itself, it came down to the wire. The question remains: will we do enough, fast enough, to survive? For a start, the Climate Pact calls for mobilization and bold climate action. What that means is that nations now have roadmaps…

  • Opinion: Important considerations regarding parking in Princeton

    Opinion: Important considerations regarding parking in Princeton

    As most of us know, the current Task Force proposes to permanently lease residential neighborhood street parking to for-profit enterprises in the Witherspoon-Jackson and “tree street” neighborhoods, and all over Princeton – and also charge homeowners a fee to park on their own streets. Any home within a half-mile of a business address may be…

  • Opinion: Objectors to Route 130 Quick Chek are being mischaracterized

    Opinion: Objectors to Route 130 Quick Chek are being mischaracterized

    The Route 130 area residents association would like to address statements made over the course of the North Brunswick Zoning Board meetings held over the past 21 months in regards to Quick Chek’s efforts to rezone a large residential area parcel. It was suggested that the residents have objected to all rezoning proposals, including a…

  • Opinion: Princeton needs a dog park

    Opinion: Princeton needs a dog park

    We have lived in Princeton for 21 years and strongly support building a dog park, or several small dog parks, in our town. Onyx, our 7-year-old Labrador, loves playing off-leash with other dogs, but we often don’t have the time to drive the 30-40 minutes round trip to dog parks in neighboring towns. Building a…

  • On the Road 11/12: 2022 Mitsubishi Outlander

    On the Road 11/12: 2022 Mitsubishi Outlander

    By Peter Perrotta When it comes to Japanese imports in the automobile market, Mitsubishi is usually the practically forgotten, neglected stepchild. Most consumers automatically think of the Big Three – Honda, Toyota and Nissan – first. If you are searching for others, you might even throw in Mazda. But, if you dig a little deeper,…

  • Opinion: Pets should not be discarded

    Opinion: Pets should not be discarded

    I have been involved in animal rescue for most of my life. Our organization receives many calls to surrender pets. Reasons given are: a new infant, a new pet, a divorce, pet is too old, pet no longer matches the sofa … you get the idea. A couple of weeks ago a caller wanted to…

  • Opinion: The need for food doesn’t stop as the weather changes

    Opinion: The need for food doesn’t stop as the weather changes

    Trying to figure out how you will feed your family is no fun, especially with Thanksgiving approaching. To help our less fortunate neighbors, Yes We CAN! Food Drives collects Thanksgiving food items on behalf of Arm in Arm so those in need can share in the traditions of this wonderful holiday. We are asking you…

  • Solutions: Glasgow Climate Conference brings more attention to climate change

    Solutions: Glasgow Climate Conference brings more attention to climate change

    By Huck Fairman With the Glasgow Climate Conference stretching over two weeks, the issue of climate change has been in the news. But much of the information about our planet and the necessary steps we need to take have been around for some time now. The Packet family of newspapers have printed a number of…