Tag: Paris Climate Accord

  • SOLUTIONS: Professor provides assessment of where, environmentally, we are

    SOLUTIONS: Professor provides assessment of where, environmentally, we are

    By Huck Fairman With the election of President Joe Biden, who has stressed the need to deal with our environmental challenges, a number of observers have responded positively, while also warning that the world cannot afford to fall short in efforts to reduce and reverse global warming. Among them is Professor Michael Oppenheimer of Princeton…

  • SOLUTIONS 11/20: Looking Ahead

    SOLUTIONS 11/20: Looking Ahead

    By Huck Fairman The last week in New Jersey has seen beautiful, summer-like days with blue skies and temperatures in the 70s. Many have ventured outside to enjoy them. But others have worried that this unusual November weather is another warning that we are warming our planet. Is there evidence to support those concerns? In…