Tag: pedestrian safety

  • Four ordinances set for public hearings at Howell council meeting

    Four ordinances set for public hearings at Howell council meeting

    HOWELL – Members of the public will have a chance to voice their opinions on four ordinances that have been introduced by the Township Council. A public hearing on each ordinance will be held when the council meets at the municipal building on June 12. Deputy Mayor Robert Nicastro, Councilwoman Evelyn O’Donnell, Councilman Bob Walsh…

  • Young victim in Cranbury hit and run urges officials to take action

    Cranbury officials need to take steps to slow down traffic in town, said the local girl who was struck and injured by a hit-and-run driver last year. Mia Huang was accompanied by her family to the Township Committee meeting May 14, where she urged officials to install traffic-calming measures. In her remarks, Mia noted “nothing’s…

  • Milltown campaign focuses on pedestrian safety

    Milltown campaign focuses on pedestrian safety

    MILLTOWN — Paige Stryshak, an eighth-grader at the Joyce Kilmer Middle School in Milltown, said she believes the Street Smart NJ pedestrian safety campaign will make borough streets safer. “Most of us walk to school and not all intersections have crossing guards,” Paige said. “I think a lighted crosswalk [at West Church and North Main…

  • Sharrows are first step toward bicycle safety in Metuchen

    Sharrows are first step toward bicycle safety in Metuchen

    METUCHEN — Bicyclists and motorists are now sharing the road through sharrows on Route 27. The New Jersey Department of Transportation [DOT] has been placing sharrows — line markings in the middle of motor vehicle lanes that indicate the road needs to be shared by vehicles and bicyclists — as part of the Route 27…

  • East Brunswick police to participate in pedestrian safety campaign

    East Brunswick police to participate in pedestrian safety campaign

    EAST BRUNSWICK – The East Brunswick Police Department will begin conducting “zero tolerance” enforcement specifically targeting motor vehicle violations that are hazardous to pedestrian travel such as speeding, careless driving, traffic signal violations, etc. Motorists are required to stop for pedestrians in a marked or unmarked crosswalk at an intersection and must remain stopped until the…

  • NBTHS students teach elementary school children about safety

    NBTHS students teach elementary school children about safety

    NORTH BRUNSWICK – Eager second graders wanted to share what they learned about wheeled sports safety. They said: Always wear a helmet, wrist guards, elbow pads and knee pads. Look straight ahead. Keep your hands on the handlebars. Stay in the right lane. Don’t go out in the fog, rain or dark, or at least…

  • Metuchen resident calls on honest effort for pedestrian/bike safety in borough

    Metuchen resident calls on honest effort for pedestrian/bike safety in borough

    I read with amazement and disbelief the front page headline in the Jan. 31 edition of the Criterion Sentinel, “Safety for bicyclists, pedestrians remains a priority in Metuchen.” It is hard to accept this assertion as credible and sincere, as the borough has chronically and blatantly neglected road and sidewalk issues that have severely imperiled these…

  • Safety for bicyclists, pedestrians remains priority in Metuchen

    Safety for bicyclists, pedestrians remains priority in Metuchen

    METUCHEN — Bicyclists and motorists will continue to share the road after pavement markings known as sharrows are placed on Route 27 and on Amboy Avenue. A sharrow is a shared lane bicycle marking, which indicates that motorists and cyclists must share the road and that bicyclists are permitted to use the full lane. A…

  • North Brunswick officers will increase pedestrian safety awareness

    North Brunswick officers will increase pedestrian safety awareness

    NORTH BRUNSWICK – The North Brunswick Police Department has received a $15,000 grant from the New Jersey Department of Highway Traffic Safety to conduct pedestrian safety activities through next year. There will be an effort to improve high-risk pedestrian intersections as much as possible with enhanced crosswalk markings and signage, according to a joint statement…