Tag: Pokemon Go

  • People in search of Pokémon may help businesses

    People in search of Pokémon may help businesses

    By STEVEN VIERA Staff Writer Businesses across Monomouth and Middlesex counties hope that Pokémon Go can help them to catch ’em all — customers, that is. Capitalizing on the success of the game, many local businesses, community organizations and even politicians are incorporating Pokémon Go as a way of reaching out to the public, although…

  • Help Pokemon Go lead into outdoors and nature

    Help Pokemon Go lead into outdoors and nature

    For years, health and outdoor advocates have worried that computer games, tablets, smartphones and televisions have kept too many kids indoors and sedentary. Those complaints flew out the window earlier this month when Pokemon Go, a mobile game application, became a worldwide sensation. For the first time, gamers cannot just sit indoors in front of…