Tag: Princeton Future

  • Princeton neighborhood walks offer sense of community, opportunity to exercise

    Princeton neighborhood walks offer sense of community, opportunity to exercise

      By Kyler R. Zhou Correspondent  “How far would you walk to get a good cup of coffee? What if you are exploring secret paths or scenic routes while making new friends?”   On Sunday, Feb. 27, Princeton Future will host its first “I Walk to Coffee” neighborhood walk, a series of community events that…

  • LOOSE ENDS 1/1/2021: Dohm Alley comes alive

    LOOSE ENDS 1/1/2021: Dohm Alley comes alive

    By Pam Hersh In this year of big tragedies and anxieties, I preferred complaining about small irritations in life. These proved to be perfect conversation topics for the pandemic era, neither annoyingly Pollyanna nor overly depressing. My favorite small irritant topic about which I loved to rant was Dohm Alley, a Princeton Future project for…

  • LOOSE ENDS 9/11: Rhinold Ponder, artist and founder of ‘Art Against Racism’

    LOOSE ENDS 9/11: Rhinold Ponder, artist and founder of ‘Art Against Racism’

    By Pam Hersh I have a dream – certainly no comparison to the enormity of a Martin Luther King, Jr., dream, but nevertheless a dream related to Dr. King’s mission and the passion of a Princeton artist, lawyer, and social justice activist Rhinold Ponder. My dream is to utilize the now sadly underutilized space of…